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When Shen Huo saw the person on the steps, his face suddenly turned ugly. Without any hesitation, his wings instantly spread out.

But the voice of the person on the steps was faster, and he immediately shouted: "Trapped him, don't let him use his ability."

As soon as he finished speaking, several mercenaries rushed out from behind the stone pillar and surrounded Shen Huo with chains.

Shen Luo's skills seemed to be very poor, and he was trapped by chains after a while, and his wings were tied up. His white feathers were scattered and stained with blood.

He groaned and knelt down on one knee. The next moment, his mouth was blocked again.

Only then did the man in the white coat walk down the steps with confidence, and several other researchers wearing the same clothes also walked out one after another. When they looked at Shen Huo, their eyes flashed with excitement.

The man in the white coat who just spoke out is named Liang and is known as Dr. Liang. He is one of the main persons in charge of the Chawen base.

He walked step by step in front of Shen Huo, making sure that he had no power to fight back. He breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Do you think I will be as stupid as Professor Zhang before, giving you a chance to speak, and being brainwashed by you?

"Hey, since we dare to come to Wuwang City, we must be prepared."

Shen Luo lowered his eyelashes slightly, and a trace of disgust flashed across his expression.

Because of these words, he remembered those bad memories again - Professor Zhang, who was responsible for researching and transforming his demons when he was trapped in the laboratory.

In that square, cold cage, that person was the master from above. In order to survive, he had knelt down and even knelt down to beg.

But it was no use. He would still be injected with various drugs that made him miserable, and his skin would still be cut open, and all kinds of mutated bugs and plants would be implanted.

It is said that because of his special constitution, ordinary people are implanted with those mutated animals and plants, and either fuse and assimilate, or they are infected, devoured, and die quickly.

But he can kill those mutant things every time. The researchers in the laboratory are very excited, thinking that as long as they find the right mutant and fuse with him, they can transform a powerful monster.

They kept trying, and Shen Huo was tied to the experimental table again and again, and his skin and blood vessels were cut open again and again.

No one knew how painful this experiment was. He started begging and then became numb. Sometimes he wonders, are these researchers all emotionless machines, so they can do such cruel things?

But he later understood that they were actually beasts, no, worse than beasts.

So the first thing he did after awakening his power was to brainwash all the researchers at the experimental base into animals one by one.

Since you don’t want to be a human being, then just stop being one.

He looked at the researchers crawling around on all fours like dogs or monkeys, forgetting that he had ever been a human being.

He ignored those people and allowed them to ignorantly run out of the laboratory base and into the jungle, where they were hunted and killed by wild beasts, including Professor Zhang, who had been condescending to him.

Yes, he destroyed that base.

But he didn't expect that the place where he had been imprisoned for several years was just one of the organization's strongholds.

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