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The rabbit struggled to get his head out of the bag, panting and thinking: Fortunately, I just have long hair and am puffy.

It grabbed the edge of the travel bag with its front paws, kicked off the ropes that tied its hind legs with all its strength, flicked its long ears, and when it raised its head, it saw Lin Kong Lu looking at it with bright eyes.

The rabbit was startled, his furry face became excited, and his red eyes filled with small tears. He kicked off his hind legs, jumped out of the bag, and rushed towards the forest deer: "Ouch!" Big brother!

How pitiful it was that day, one second it was lying on the big brother's lap and being raped, and the next second it was taken away from the car with the big brother.

Of course, those people were mainly catching Linkong deer, not catching it. Moreover, when Linkong Lu was taken away by Wu, it also fell to the ground.

But they were sworn brothers. How could they escape alone in a critical moment?

Just as it was looking for a stick to beat these people with, a mercenary pinched the back of Destiny's neck and lifted it up.

"Why is there a rabbit here?"

"Why do you care so much? Just catch the guy named Lin and leave quickly. That guy named Jiang Ci is very powerful. Don't let him catch up."

Seeing Linkong Lu being taken away, Rabbit couldn't help but worry. The carrot is still in its space, and the eldest brother can't do it without a weapon. It quickly used its four claws to tightly hug the mercenary's arm.

The mercenary was very happy at the time: "This rabbit is quite silly. Its fur is smooth and smooth. It's well-raised. Why don't you take it with you and roast it on the road?"

Then he bundled its limbs and stuffed it into the bag.

Then the rabbit became confused and frightened.

Unfortunately, it had been tied up in a bag these days. It was afraid of being roasted and didn't dare to take a breath. It was only after hearing the faint sound of the deer in the forest just now that it dared to break free from the rope and stick its head out.

As soon as it saw Lin Konglu, it immediately pounced on the opponent's hands that were tied in front of him, holding his arms and rubbing them, "Ouch, Ouch," pretending to be an ordinary pet rabbit, while hurriedly pulling the carrots out of the space. Take it out and put it into Lin Konglu's hand.

Lin Konglu secretly praised "smart" in his heart, and hurriedly and quietly put the carrot into his sleeve and hid it.

The mercenary who had just been kicked by the rabbit immediately turned around, grabbed the rabbit back, and frowned: "Why did you escape?"

With that said, he stuffed the rabbit back into the bag.

The rabbit couldn't break free from his big, thick hands and could only hold on to the edge of the bag, pitifully continuing to call out to the deer in the forest.

Lin Konglu hurriedly gave it a reassuring look: Don't worry.

At this time, they had already walked into the tall, white arched door of the church. A mercenary next to them found it too noisy and said unhappily: "Can you throw that thing away? I told you not to take it with you a long time ago. If you do, don't worry about it."

"I tied him up. Who knows how this bastard escaped?" the accused mercenary choked back, "Don't fucking push me. Don't eat the rabbit when I roast it."


"Quiet!" Meng Yichuan, who was leading the way, suddenly turned around, looking extremely unhappy.

The mercenary quickly tied up the rabbit and stuffed it back into the bag, but his expression was a little unhappy: Damn, this idiot is extremely brainwashed.

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