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In the evening, Lin Konglu let the rabbit out to explore the layout of the temple. He lay on the bed and waited quietly.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Konglu stood up alertly, looked in the direction of the door, squeezed the carrot in his hand, and asked, "Who?"

"It's me." Shen Yue's gentle voice came from outside the door.

Lin Konglu hurriedly rubbed his face to try to relax his expression, but he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. He hid the carrot in his sleeve and walked over to open the door.

After the door opened, he instantly put on a sweet smile and asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Shen Huo was wearing a pure white robe, holding in his arms the rabbit that Lin Konglu had just released. Behind him stood twelve divine attendants in white.

When Lin Konglu saw the rabbit, he reacted faster than he could think, and immediately exclaimed: "Holy Rabbit? Why did you run out?"

Shen Luo smiled warmly, caressed the rabbit's trembling ears with his pale fingers, and said, "Maybe he ran out while you were not paying attention, and the divine attendants happened to see him and helped catch him."

Then he handed the rabbit to Lin Konglu.

Lin Konglu happily took it, raised his head and thanked: "Thank you, brother."

With gentle eyebrows, Shen Luo raised his hand to rub his head and said, "I am your brother, no need to say thank you."

When Lin Konglu's head was touched, his back was straightened, but his face nodded obediently, like an innocent and ignorant boy who was protected in a greenhouse.

When he returned to the room, he immediately closed the door, walked away from the door, and asked in a low voice, "Why were you captured?"

The rabbit plucked its long ears with its paws and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, brother, the security here is very tight. Those godly servants in white clothes appear and disappear. I was caught as soon as I went out."

After saying that, he asked again: "You want me to dye myself black and go out later?"

Lin Konglu: "...There are lights in the corridor, so it's useless for you to turn dark."

The most important thing is that he has already been caught once. Another time will easily arouse suspicion.

"Not tonight." Lin Konglu shook his head, rubbed its ears, and said, "We'll talk about it tomorrow. You can find a place to sleep first."

The rabbit looked for a place to lie down with its head drooped and its ears drooped.

Until it fell asleep, Linkong Lu was still frowning and thinking.


In the oasis outside Wuwang City, the clear moonlight shines on the fine white gravel, and dozens of figures wearing camouflage and braided hats disappearing in the jungle.

Song Yunwei wrapped her clothes tightly, sat next to a Haloxylon ammodendron tree, and whispered: "What a crazy weather, the temperature difference between day and night is really big."

After speaking, he turned around and glanced at Jiang Ci, whose right arm had completely turned into a vine, almost covering his figure, and said with envy, "This is your natural disguise."

Jiang Ci turned his head and looked at him coldly, his red eyes showing no emotion.

Song Yunwei was inexplicably panicked and said hurriedly: "Okay, I won't talk to you at night."

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