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The white-clothed people called "little deer" and the tree people accepted the immigrants and settled them in a town in the southern continent that was protected by God.

This god is the man in white "Little Deer".

The prophet seemed to believe that he was the god he was looking for, and led his people to worship him over and over again.

The tree man stood aside and hummed, and was glared at by the deer.

Although the prophet and others were settled in the city protected by God, the deer known as "God" did not stay in the city.

After settling the people, he left with the tree people.

Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci hesitated for a moment and then followed.

"Where are they going?" Lin Konglu whispered.

Before Jiang Ci could say anything, he heard Shuren Jiang Ci ask the god, "Are you really going to find that ugly guy?"

God held the scepter and nodded gently: "If we don't deal with him, the disaster will not stop. One day, this world will be completely destroyed."

Shuren Jiang Ci didn't speak anymore, looking obviously depressed.

Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci looked at this scene and felt extremely weird, as if they were looking at themselves and their lover in another world.

Seeing that the tree man Jiang Ci stopped talking, he said in a more relaxed tone: "Don't always call him ugly. He is an alien god from the universe. At least... he is as powerful as me."

Tree Man Jiang Ci sneered: "What kind of alien god? Isn't he just a strange-looking insect?"

God sighed after hearing this: "You can only say this when I am next to you. If I am not here, you must never say this again. Existences like us can know everything as long as we are willing, so we are called ineffable existences." If you say that about Him, it would be dangerous if I weren't there to scare you."

Shuren Jiang Ci said softly: "I didn't realize you were so powerful."

After hearing this, the god couldn't help but turn his head and glare at him. His expression became a bit more human, no longer ethereal and distant, as if he were separated from the clouds.

Shuren Jiang Ci was startled, and when he turned around and continued walking forward, he murmured to himself: "If you really know everything, why don't you know that I know..."

"What?" God suddenly turned around with a puzzled look on his face, "Why don't you leave?"

Shuren Jiang Ci froze for a moment. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are really just a charlatan who pretends to be a magician."

"Uh." The god, or the deer in white, looked a little innocent.

Lin Konglu, who was following behind the two of them and watching this memory scene, raised his forehead in embarrassment.

Was Shuren Jiang Ci just confessing his feelings towards God? It must be.

I thought I was here to find out about the tree of life and the evil god, but I didn't expect to be stuffed with dog food by two people who seemed to be him and Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci also looked embarrassed, and suspected that this might be the previous life of himself and Lin Konglu. Of course, it does not refer to the previous life before rebirth, but the previous life before being Jiang Ci.

Once he accepted this setting, and then looked at the tree man Jiang Ci in the memory picture, silently following the deer in white, not even daring to confess, Jiang Ci felt a hatred for the iron.

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