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On the highway to the Dongcheng base, the convoy was driving under the scorching sun.

Some of Major Chen's and others' cars were leading the way, some were pressing behind, and the rest were sandwiched in the middle of the convoy of survivors.

Lin Konglu's car was also sandwiched in between. Although the off-road vehicle was not small, it was still slightly petite compared with those tall base vehicles.

The base vehicle of Major Chen and others is strong and huge, with an iron plate on the front. As long as it is not a high-level zombie with strong skin and bones, it can be easily knocked away.

When Rongcheng was trapped before, Dongcheng Base sent several teams to rescue them. Although they were unsuccessful, the highway between the two cities was cleared.

There are not many abandoned vehicles blocking the road now, and there are not too many zombies.

This is also the reason why Major Chen and others chose to send the survivors to Dongcheng Base. It is not only close, but also relatively safe on the road.

Because of this, the convoy traveled for half a day without encountering any major dangers. Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci were not in the team looking for supplies, and some of them were survivors who had fled.

After Major Chen got off the bus, he immediately went to negotiate with the soldiers standing guard with guns at the entrance of the base.

When the soldiers saw him, they saluted first. After listening to his words, they hurriedly ran to report to their superiors.

After the end of the world, Central Continent urgently established five major bases to accommodate survivors, which can be regarded as official bases. But some time ago, the Nancheng Base unfortunately fell. Now there are only four official bases left, including the Central Base. All four bases are under the leadership of the Central Base.

Therefore, after learning that Major Chen from the central base had completed his mission and brought the survivors from Rongcheng, the base quickly arranged for personnel to take over and take the survivors for inspection and isolation. At the same time, they arranged for Major Chen and others to use military channels for inspection.

The base sends small teams out every day to search for rescue and supplies, and they enter and leave the base frequently. It would be too slow to line up with ordinary people every time, so a military channel was established.

With the help of Major Chen, Jiang Ci led his team through the military passage.

This was the first time that Lin Konglu officially met the members of Jiang Ci's team. These people all wore camouflage and carried guns. Most of them had stayed with Major Chen's men before. He always thought they were Major Chen's people.

But before he could take a closer look, he heard Jiang Ci negotiating with people at the base.

Under the sunset, Jiang Ci's stern figure was elongated by the glow. Standing in front of a group of base leaders, his aura did not lose at all. His expression was as usual, his voice was like gold and stone hitting each other, and the general meaning of his words was——

His people did not go into the city and only stayed in the quarantine area for one night. By the way, someone in the team was feeling unwell and hoped to borrow equipment to check their health.

When the person on the other side heard that someone was feeling unwell, he immediately became nervous. Major Chen helped explain: "Don't get me wrong, it's not an infection or a parasite, it's heatstroke or maybe gastrointestinal discomfort. By the way, is Dr. Zhao here?" Can’t you ask her to help check it out?”

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