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Judging from the fact that Zhao Xingbai was sent to Lantau Mountain to assassinate Jiang Ci, that organization had been targeting Jiang Ci as early as when they left Rongcheng, thinking that Jiang Ci had solved the Fu Teng monster.

Maybe it was for the broken pages, but more likely it was because he liked Jiang Ci's strength and thought he could train him to become the next Shen Yao.

They knew Jiang Ci was going to the central base. In addition to arranging for Zhao Xingbai to intercept and kill him on the way, they also notified Fu Rongxin who was at the central base.

It's just that they didn't know that Jiang Ci was a plant monster at that time. Fu Rongxin's identity at the central base was an undercover agent and he couldn't blatantly do illegal things. If they wanted to find a high-sounding reason to study Jiang Ci, the best way was to let the other party be parasitized. .

That's why Fu Rongxin illegally brought black worms into the base.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ci and his team wasted too much time at Shuguang Base, and the black threadworms were not put to use, so they somehow got into Jiang Mian's legs.

Of course, these are just Lin Konglu's speculations, without concrete evidence.

Lin Konglu didn't expect this at first, but he thought in this direction after hearing Jiang Ci say that Fu Rongxin was from that organization.

Jiang Ci will not frame anyone. He must be sure that Fu Rongxin is from that organization just now.

Lin Konglu believed what he said. If he speculated based on his words, everything would be reasonable.

Of course Fu Rongxin would not admit it.

His face was pale. After hearing this, he smiled bitterly and said in a weak tone: "Kid, what are you talking about? I don't understand it at all. What about black worms and Jiang Mian? What does this have to do with the rotten vine monster in Rongcheng?

"I know you like this plant monster, so you spoke for him, but believe me, you were deceived by him. This is inevitable. He is extremely degenerate and rarely retains his self-awareness. This is also the first time we have met. In this case. Forget it, you are young, and your father and I are colleagues. If you just pricked me, I won’t argue with you."

His voice was difficult, with a hint of helplessness and forgiveness, like a generous elder forgiving a troublesome junior.

Song Jinzhou and Jiang Ci all frowned slightly and wanted to say something.

Lin Konglu spoke first at this time: "Really?"

Still expressionless, he suddenly grasped the long metal knife that penetrated Fu Rongxin's abdomen and pulled it out without waiting for the other party to react.

Fu Rongxin's face instantly turned pale, his facial muscles were distorted, and his hand covering the wound spasmed.

"Sorry, if that's the case, then I'll apologize to Mr. Fu and help you pull out the knife. This is just a small compensation. You go and bandage it." Lin Konglu suddenly smiled.

Cold sweat broke out on Fu Rongxin's forehead, as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him. He didn't even have the strength to make a sound. He took two hard breaths and finally couldn't hold on any longer. He rolled his eyes and fainted.

The Awakened Ones who were supporting him were stunned for a moment. They probably didn't expect that the beautiful and thin young man in front of them would suddenly attack and do so neatly.

Seeing that Fu Rongxin was bleeding to death, several people hurriedly helped cover the wound, shouting "Professor Fu" and rushed him to the emergency room.

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