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"Are you also...a member of the organization?" Jiang Ci spoke stiffly and looked at Lin Konglu with obscure eyes.

Maybe the impact came too quickly and I couldn't react at the moment. I couldn't tell whether his expression was more questioning or more disappointing.

Lin Konglu was also stunned, even more shocked than Jiang Ci.

Who is Su? Oh yes, his full name is Su Yu, but why is Su Yu also a member of the organization? Isn’t this too confusing?

Is it the guy in the white coat opposite who is instigating, or is there something really wrong with the identity of the original person?

His mind was in confusion, and he subconsciously denied it: "I'm not..."

But the other side didn't give them a chance to continue talking. The mercenaries in white coats raised their hands and the mercenaries carrying guns immediately attacked Jiang Ci, spraying anesthetic gas at the same time.

Lin Konglu was inevitably affected, and even at this moment, Jiang Ci subconsciously used vines to protect him.

But in the strong anesthetic gas, both of them quickly lost consciousness.


When he woke up again, Lin Konglu found himself lying in a ward filled with the faint smell of disinfectant.

He sat up suddenly and subconsciously thought: How is Jiang Ci?

Then he remembered that those people used anesthetic gas for the purpose of capturing him alive. Jiang Ci should not be in danger for the time being.

But wait—

He immediately looked at the electronic clock on the wall.

Fortunately, it's only been two days, and I haven't slept for half a year... No, it's not good at all.

Two days have passed. God knows what Jiang Ci will encounter in these two days and how he will treat him. Could it be that he has been identified as a spy or a traitor?

Lin Konglu rubbed his forehead with a headache, his mind was still a little confused.

How could he be a member of the organization? It was too sudden... No, it didn't seem like there was no sign at all.

Lin Konglu froze, and suddenly remembered that he had seen a pile of virology and botany books on the desk in Su Yu's bedroom. When Jiang Ci overturned the organization's camp on the mountain, he also "seized" many of the same books.

And when he first arrived, he was coming down the mountain with Su Wei. The baskets on his back were full of collected plants, and his digital camera was full of photos of all kinds of rare plants.

These two details show that Su Yu is not simply returning to the village to visit relatives, not to mention that he has no relatives in the village.

I ignored it. Lin Konglu scratched his head in frustration.

Moreover, Su Yu, Su Yu... the more I think about this name, the more familiar it becomes.

While he was frowning and thinking, the ward door was suddenly pushed open and a doctor in a white coat walked in.

Lin Konglu saw the nameplate on his chest, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of a man in black guarding the door. In the flash of lightning, a picture suddenly came to his mind -

That was the fragment of memory he saw before entering consciousness: In the laboratory, a beautiful female experimenter in a white coat was looking at something seriously, and a man in black next to her was whispering to her.

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