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Song Yunwei opened a small opening in the power grid. Under the threat of his electric light, the little mushrooms lined up and walked out one by one, and were driven to another power grid.



"Bang ball~"

The mushrooms shook their umbrella covers and jumped about.

Song Yunwei checked them one by one like a cub in a kindergarten. When she saw them shaking their heads, their eyebrows twitched slightly, she said in a deep voice: "Go well, don't touch the electricity."

"Wow!" As soon as the mushroom saw him, he immediately jumped away.

Finally, a dozen small mushrooms that had been electrocuted were found. Song Yunwei gathered them together and asked Zhao Zhouzhi tiredly: "They are all here. Mr. Zhao, look, which one is your son...cough, is it Zhao Xingbai?"

But even if there are more than a dozen left, it is difficult to identify them.

Zhao Zhouzhi was afraid of these mushrooms, but thinking that Zhao Xingbai might be among them, he still suppressed his fear and looked at them one by one.

"Xingbai, are you in there? Can you jump out and let dad have a look?" he said with a trembling voice.

Zhao Xingmo also squatted down, with a gloomy look on his face, and flicked the small mushrooms with his fingers, identifying them one by one.

When Zhao Zhouzhi saw him touching the mushrooms with his hands, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously wanted to say, "Don't touch them, they will be parasitized." However, thinking that Zhao Xingbai was one of them, he froze again, and in the end he only muttered his lips and said nothing.

Zhao Xingmo picked up the mushrooms and inspected them one by one, then murmured to himself: "They all look similar."

Which one is his brother? Why did his brother turn into a mushroom?

Finally, Lin Konglu found a quiet mushroom hiding in a corner, picked it up and said hesitantly, "Could it be this one?"

He was quiet and silent, feeling a bit like Zhao Xingbai.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he picked up the mushroom, he poured it into his palm, like touching porcelain, and said dizzy: "Ah hoo~"

[Pretty little brother, I finally met a pretty little brother, he is mine, hehe~]

Jiang Ci's expression changed slightly and he strode forward.

Zhao Zhouzhi and Zhao Xingmo were about to get up and look at the mushroom, but the next second, Jiang Ci walked over and flicked it away.

"No." He explained before Zhao Zhouzhi and his son could speak.

Lin Konglu was surprised. In fact, when the mushroom fell into his palm and they were intimate, he realized that the other person might not be Zhao Xingbai, but how did Jiang Ci know?

Jiang Ci didn't seem to notice his doubts. He walked up to the dozens of electrocuted mushrooms, grabbed one like a chicken, and pinched it.

Mushroom: "Wow..." It hurts, damn human, let go of me.

The next second, the mushroom was thrown into the power grid.

Jiang Ci said expressionlessly: "No."

Then he grabs the next one, squeezes it, and throws it into the grid.


Grab another one, pinch it, and throw it.


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