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Meng Yichuan froze slightly and lost consciousness for a moment.

But since he followed Shen Huo, his worship of Shen Huo had reached the point of paranoia. He quickly shook his head vigorously and convinced himself: No, he is God.

Who else can save so many people in Wuwang City, solve their food and drink problems for free, and feed them? In this apocalyptic world where zombies and monsters are rampant, who can save the infected and mutated people?

I'm afraid even the most powerful virology professors in the world can't do it.

So what is a person who can do these things and is willing to save the world for free, if not God?

Especially in Meng Yichuan's eyes, Shen Huo was powerful, holy, compassionate, and had the wings of an angel.

Although he found it puzzling that he suddenly believed in God, the faith he had developed after following Shen Huo for the past six months did not collapse immediately.

He quickly came back to his senses, his eyes became colder, and he slashed at Lu Lin with a knife.

The space ability user on the opposite side immediately rescued Lu Lin. Dr. Liang sneered and said angrily: "It's okay if you're still obsessed with it. I'll just let you see on the spot what kind of monster the guy you praise as a god is!"

As he spoke, he took a bottle of spray from his pocket and sprayed it on Shen Huo who was trapped by the chain.

Shen Huo's pupils suddenly tightened, cracks appeared on his calm face, and there was a moment of fear deep in his heart.

Yes, fear. He hadn't felt this way since escaping the lab.

In front of his followers, he will change from a god who saves the world to an ugly monster who has no sense and can only go crazy and hurt people.

All praise based on lies and falsehoods will collapse, and people will fear him, hate him, and discover that he is a hypocritical liar and no god at all. They would even hate him for brainwashing everyone, curse and spurn him, and he would die like the ugliest monster.

No, it can't be like that. He didn't mean to brainwash everyone. It was a sequelae of treatment. He would rather die quietly in a dark corner than face those eyes of hatred and disgust.

Shen Huo's pupils trembled slightly, trying to avoid the atomized medicine sprayed at him, but his body froze and he could not move.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, and he watched the atomized water droplets densely scattered in the air, reflecting dreamy colors under the light above.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and all the noise gradually faded away.

Shen Luo fell to his knees in pain and tried his best to cover his face with his hands, but his hands were bound by chains and he could only let feathers grow out of his eyes and under his skin, bursting his mucous membranes and blood vessels, causing blood and tears to flow.

His bound arms also twisted, turning into bird wings, and his fingers turned into hooks. Even the spine is deforming, bending like a bird's spine and no longer straight.

He curled up in a ball in pain, with feathers growing messily all over his body, and soon turned into a half-bird, half-human monster, no longer holy as before.

All the divine attendants present were stunned and hid on the roof of the corridor outside the palace. Song Yunwei was also completely stunned when he watched through the window. He grasped the crossbar on the roof of the corridor with his fingers and cursed in his heart for a long time: these beasts.

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