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Song Jinzhou heard him call "Dad", and his eyes were slightly wet behind the lenses. After trying to calm down, he regained his usual calmness as a scientific researcher and said: "Speaking of which, this matter is also puzzling. There is a similar picture at the central base. The broken pages are from a base of the organization that was raided before the end of the world - that is, the Global Special Incident Handling Association. You should know this organization, right?"

Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci nodded hurriedly.

Song Jinzhou nodded and continued: "At that time, the assault team found a broken page in a sterile cabinet in the core experiment of that base. However, after they took the broken page out of the sterile cabinet, in just five minutes, everyone who had seen the broken page , people who came into contact with the broken pages turned into zombies.

"The surviving team members immediately sealed the fragments with high-strength isolation materials and sent them to our research institute. But when they were delivered, the virus had just broken out, major cities had fallen, and the research institute was also in a mess, and no one was studying it for a while. , until half a month ago, everyone thought of this fragment of page again.

"Because of the experience of the commandos, everyone wore strict isolation suits before taking out the sealed page, but there were still several people at the scene who were infected and turned into zombies within just a few minutes after the fragment was taken out. After that, no one dared Study further.

"The weird thing is that we have tested the virus content in the room door and on the sealing materials, and it is almost zero. We really can't figure out the route of infection."

Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci looked at each other, and four words came to mind: spiritual infection.

But before, they had only seen two kinds of mental infections in Shen Yao's consciousness. One was the pattern of an insect with three tentacles, and the other was the blood moon on the night of the virus outbreak.

The first one relies on patterns, and it has nothing to do with what the pattern is engraved on. The second is to rely on... Although it is not clear what the blood moon is at the moment, it is at least certain that it should be something that exists objectively.

What about the remaining pages? Is it based on the scrap page itself, or is it the character pattern on the scrap page?

In addition, both of them have touched the broken pages and seen the character patterns on the broken pages. Why were they not infected by the spirit?

Jiang Ci had some doubts that he would turn into a plant monster, possibly infected by the broken page, but Lin Konglu knew very well that he was not, and that he was infected in his previous life.

The most important thing is that Lin Konglu has been exposed to it more than once, but he is sure that he is not infected.

Song Jinzhou soon realized this, and suddenly grabbed Lin Konglu's arms tightly, speaking nervously: "Xiaobao, how did you get the broken page? Have you touched it? Have you seen it?"

Lin Konglu: Uh-huh.

Although I don’t want to make the other party worry, but...

"It was Shen Yao... the rotten vine monster in Rongcheng gave it to us. We took it and looked at it... more than once." He said honestly.

Even along the way, he and Jiang Ci put the broken pages in their bags and brought them directly.

Song Jinzhou's expression suddenly froze and his face turned pale.

Lin Konglu hurriedly comforted: "Dad, don't worry. If there was a problem, we would have been in trouble a long time ago and we wouldn't wait until now. In addition, we suspect that the broken pages turned people who came into contact and looked at them into zombies through spiritual infection."

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