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The numerical upper limit Professor Gu mentioned was the upper limit of SSS level. Beyond this upper limit, the professor did not classify levels anymore because he did not know what the end of degradation would be.

However, the instrument will automatically press the level difference between ss and sss. If you continue to add s upwards, the number of display digits is limited. If you add too many s, there will be question marks in the middle.

"It shouldn't be." Professor Gu was puzzled. "A monster above level ten is a monster that has completely lost its mind. According to my estimation, the rotten vine monster in Rongcheng is only SS level at most. There has never been one above SSS level."

Besides, Jiang Ci is still a human being and is sane, so how can he exceed the SSS level?

"Professor, your instrument...hasn't been debugged yet?" Song Yunwei spoke first, embarrassed to be unsure.

Jiang Ci also frowned slightly.

The old professor heard the implication of Song Yunwei's words and couldn't help but glare at him. Then he took the instrument and said suspiciously: "It shouldn't be. When I tested it on other people before, it was all fine."

Lin Konglu could only think of one possibility. Jiang Ci had just used the ability he had in his previous life when he was the Zombie Emperor. It was spiritual infection.

If it's a blood test, it should be fine.

He said hurriedly and calmly: "There may be individual differences. If most of them are fine, you can use them first. During the large-scale testing process, the professor can make improvements based on more data."

Professor Gu nodded: "That's right, but I'm going to the central base soon. The amount of testing there may not be as much as here. If any of you happen to go to the central base in the future, please remember to bring me the data."

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring it to you." Lin Konglu promised.

When Song Yunwei heard this, did he still mean to stay? So he winked at Jiang Ci again.

Lin Konglu happened to see it and finally couldn't help but ask: "Brother, are your eyes feeling uncomfortable recently?"

Why do you always twitch?

Song Yunwei: "...cough."

He suddenly coughed violently.

Jiang Ci also put his fist to his lips, holding back his laughter.

Lin Konglu: "?" You two have a problem.


During lunch, Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci sat together.

Song Yunwei was not with them, but when he passed them with a dinner plate, he hinted to Jiang Ci to persuade him quickly.

Lin Konglu used his chopsticks to block Jiang Ci's action of picking up food for him, frowned slightly, and lowered his voice and said, "Tell me, what are you plotting with your elder brother?"

Jiang Ci paused with his chopsticks and said, "He wants me to persuade you to go to the central base with him."

Lin Konglu was suspicious: "That's it?"

Jiang Ci nodded: "That's it."

Lin Konglu: "..." We're not looking for supplies. Although the base is not short of food for the time being, it is short of vegetables, medicine, clothing and other daily necessities.

If you can collect it, keep the part you need, and hand over the rest, which are also contribution points that can be exchanged for other supplies.

Because of this, many teams with some strength began to apply to go out.

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