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Lin Konglu caught a glimpse of the eye contact between Jiang Ci and Song Yunwei, and knew what the two were thinking, so he couldn't help but secretly roll his eyes.

Only Song Yunwei was stupid, he really thought it was Jiang Ci who persuaded him to go to the central base. Jiang Ci looked aloof, but he was actually full of evil, and he might have used this to negotiate terms with Song Yunwei.

But he wouldn't expose it. Anyway, he only planned to go to the central base for a few days. As for Jiang Ci...

Jiang Ci already knew about the vines. Although he was calm on the surface and was even in the mood to comfort Lin Konglu, who was feeling depressed yesterday, did he really not care at all and not worry?

Even Lin Konglu himself subconsciously worried about Jiang Ci and their cub when he first learned about this.

Speaking of which, Song Yunwei revealed that Jiang Ci's grandfather was also at the Central Base, so Jiang Ci would help Song Yunwei persuade him to go to the Central Base, right?

Jiang Ci still wants to stay there from the bottom of his heart, but now that he knows that he is a plant monster, he must also know that there is a high probability that he will not be able to stay at the central base for a long time...

You will definitely be worried. How could you not be worried?

Lin Konglu tilted his head and looked at Jiang Ci, who had been deep in thought since the convoy set off.

Jiang Ci was indeed thinking about this issue, but noticed his gaze and quickly turned to look at him.

Lin Konglu met his slightly inquiring eyes, thought for a moment, suddenly held his hand, leaned closer, bit his ear and whispered: "Don't worry too much about you being able to turn into a vine. No matter what, we still have it." There is Dawn Base to go back to."

Jiang Ci was slightly startled when he heard this.

Little Beauty has long known that he is a plant monster, and she has asked him before if he would like to stay at Dawn Base together. Now that he is saying this again, could it be that... the other party wanted to build a human... A base where monsters coexist?

At least that's one of the reasons?

Jiang Ci's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he suddenly tightened his grip on Lin Konglu's hand, sparks burning in his dark eyes.

Lin Konglu's heart palpitated for a moment when he met his deep eyes.

He subconsciously let go of his hand, but his fingertips were caught and clenched again.

Jiang Ci slowly leaned closer, looking deeply at him with eyes as thick as ink. Lin Konglu was stunned for a moment, actually sinking into the darkness as deep as the star field.


"Cough." Song Yunwei coughed in the back seat.

Both Jiang Ci and Lin Konglu froze, Jiang Ci still didn't move, but Lin Konglu's face was as hot as fire, and he hurriedly pushed Jiang Ci away, whose aura enveloped him.

But the two of them still held hands, and Jiang Ci held his hand tightly. Then, as if he was not satisfied, he stretched out his fingers again, inserted his five fingers between his fingers, and interlocked with his.

Until lunch time, many people got off the car to stretch their bodies after sitting huddled all day, and Lin Konglu also got off the car.

Seeing Jiang Ci using his metal power to form an iron pot to boil water for everyone, he breathed a sigh of relief, walked to the roadside, and stretched his legs and feet.

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