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"Hey, Mr. Bi, you're here." The people who beat him immediately restrained themselves when they knew that Bi Kun was someone close to Qin Yu.

One of them stepped forward and explained: "Mr. Bi, the son of this old man named Yuan is a monster. He still dares to come to the trading market. Isn't this harmful to everyone? And look at what he is like now, most likely he is a parasite. He’s going to become a monster.”

The old man who was beaten raised his head at this time, his eyes were red and his face was full of tears. He shook his head and said: "No, no, I am not parasitized. I just checked yesterday. My son, my son..."

His voice trembled, and his lips trembled as he said, "He is not a monster. He was originally an awakened person, and he protected the base and everyone."

Some of the onlookers couldn't bear it, felt sad, and some were indifferent and numb.

The men who beat him said arrogantly: "But didn't he turn into a monster later? If you live with him, you must also..."

"Even if he turns into a monster, he sacrifices himself to protect the base and you, right?" Lin Konglu finally couldn't help but speak, and asked Bi Kun: "Mr. Bi, this is how Shuguang Base treats those who sacrificed for the base, and he Your family?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, people who had previously looked down upon the attackers but were too afraid to stop them finally dared to whisper——

"Yes, the base is protected by awakened people and volunteers. They have to deal with monsters and zombies every day. They may be infected or even sacrificed at any time. Some people unfortunately turned into zombies and monsters while protecting us. We are not grateful, but Insult, what’s the point?”

"You shouldn't, but recently more and more people are turning into monsters, and people are panicking."

"Actually, the base wasn't like this before."

"Yes, it would be great if Miss He and the others were still here."

"Shh, keep your voice down, the Qin family has the final say on the base now."

Although the discussion was very quiet, Bi Kun was an awakened person and could easily hear it.

His expression changed, and he stepped forward to reprimand the people who beat the people: "The trading market is a public place, and anyone can come. Also, the base regularly tests people who have been in contact with infected people to see if they are infected. The result has the final say. You said he was infected, so he was infected? Your eyes are better than the instruments? Why don't you apologize to the old man quickly?"

These people are just idle, relying on their relationship with the base management to collect protection fees indiscriminately in the trading market.

The old man who was beaten had been bullied before. The old man's son was still at the base at that time. When he found out, he gave these people a lesson. Later, the old man's son turned into a monster and was kicked out of the base, so they came to take revenge on the old man.

However, they also bullied the weak and feared the strong. Knowing that Bi Kun was strong and Qin Yu's bodyguard, when they saw Bi Kun speaking, they hurriedly gave up and apologized to the old man.

The old man hid in fear.

Seeing this, Bi Kun stepped forward to help the old man up, and said in a gentler tone: "Old man, your son died for the base. These Mr. Qin all remember that if you are short of anything, just tell the community administrator that no matter how difficult it is, , we will try our best to be satisfied.”

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