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After the meeting, everyone stood up, talked and left.

Fu Rongxin suddenly came over, smiled at Song Jinzhou and said, "Old Song, can you lend me the kid next to you for a while? I would like to ask you some questions about the tree of life and the broken page pattern."

Song Jinzhou frowned slightly, and was about to say something, but was interrupted in advance by his joking tone: "You won't be reluctant to let go, right? Okay, Old Song, we all know that you have just found your youngest son, and he is very precious. I will only borrow it for a while. "

After hearing this, several professors and leaders nearby also smiled kindly and ridiculed Song Jinzhou for being a child-controller now.

Fu Rongxin also smiled and explained: "The remaining pages of the transcript are in the confidential room. According to the regulations, you can only go in and look at it, but you can't take it out, so I have to trouble your children."

At this point, it seems a bit unkind to refuse again.

Jiang Ci frowned and looked at the two of them, realizing that his old father-in-law didn't want Lin Konglu and Fu Rongxin to come into contact, so he said, "Xiaolu knows everything, I know it, Professor Fu and I will go there."

Song Jinzhou was a little surprised.

Fu Rongxin also turned to look at him, his eyes looked like surprise, but not so surprised. He said with a long smile: "That's troublesome."

Jiang Ci nodded, and before leaving, he shook Lin Konglu's hand, squeezed it gently and gently, and said softly, "Wait for me."

Lin Konglu: "..."

He glared at the other person without any trace, his ears turning slightly red.

After the two of them left, he turned around and asked Song Jinzhou: "Dad, why do I feel that Professor Fu's words are a little strange? It just... feels fake."

The smile is fake and the politeness is fake.

Song Jinzhou was collecting information when he heard this and said in surprise: "You think so too?"

Lin Konglu nodded.

Song Jinzhou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Father and son, we still have the same idea. I used to think that I was jealous of him, so I didn't like him for no reason."

Lin Konglu: "Uh."

Song Jinzhou: "But he won't do anything bad. He is just a bit hypocritical. He won't let you have contact with him because he is afraid that you will be deceived. Xiao Jiang probably won't."

"I'm not that easy to fool." Lin Konglu was helpless and walked over to help get some information.

Song Jinzhou hurriedly stopped him: "No, no, I'll just take it. Your body... well, you can't carry the weight."

Lin Konglu: "..."

He realized that Song Jinzhou was talking about his pregnancy, and his face turned red again.

What is so important about this bit of information?

He simply hugged it tightly and said stubbornly, "I'll help you get it."

Song Jinzhou had no choice but to take the information back to the laboratory with him.

Lin Konglu was a little curious when he visited his father's place of work for the first time, so he looked around secretly after entering.

There was a small specimen room next to the laboratory. He looked at it for a while, then walked over and asked, "Dad, can I see it in this room?"

Song Jinzhou was sorting out the experimental data. He looked up and said, "Okay, but you can't touch it after you get in."

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