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The surroundings were still noisy, but there was a deathly silence between Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci.

After a long time, Jiang Ci coughed lightly, looked at the pregnancy test stick and said, "Are you sure this is true?"

Lin Konglu had a look of despair, feeling that society was dead, and he gave up on himself and said: "All fake, all fake."

Jiang Ci was familiar with his character, and seeing his reaction like this, he was convinced that the results of the pregnancy test were real and not made up by the pretty girl.

That's weird, the pretty girl is a boy, how could it be...

"Is there something wrong with the pregnancy test stick?" Jiang Ci lowered his eyes again and asked.

Lin Konglu had a dead look on his face and continued to say, "Yeah, yeah, there are problems, there are problems."

In short, just don’t have that kind of cancer.

At this time, Rabbit jumped over and said, "Isn't it possible? I brought them all back from the third hospital, or they are different brands. How could it be such a coincidence that seven or eight pregnancy test sticks have problems?"

This time Jiang Ci didn't need to lift his foot, Lin Konglu used the toe of his shoe to push it aside.

The rabbit rolled in a circle on the ground, then rolled back again. Baba looked at Jiang Ci, thirsty for knowledge and said, "How about you, third brother, try it too? Don't you humans have comparative samples for experiments? What if you If the test comes out fine, then the pregnancy test stick is fine. If you try it out... Wow!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Ci grabbed the rabbit's ears, spun it around in the air, and threw it directly into the corner not far away.

Of course Jiang Ci wouldn't try it. After he threw the rabbit away, he saw that Lin Konglu still looked helpless. He thought about it and said, "There is a medical center in the Dongcheng base. You can wait there for a detailed examination."

By then, whether there is a problem with the pregnancy test stick or a psychological false pregnancy, you will know. What if it really is that kind of cancer...

Seeing that Lin Konglu's face still didn't improve, he frowned and said with relief: "It's nothing even if it's testicular cancer. Not all cancers are terrible. If this kind of cancer is not serious, it only requires a small operation and will have no impact. ..."

Lin Konglu's hair suddenly exploded and he said to him: "I told you there was something wrong with the pregnancy test stick, and you have testicular cancer!"

Then he left angrily.

Jiang Ci: "..."

The rabbit just rolled back from the corner. When he saw this, he ignored the third brother. He pounced on his short tail and hurriedly chased him out: "Brother, wait for me."

Zhao Zhouzhi happened to come over at this time, and first saw the two of them "falling out", and then saw the pregnancy test stick in Lin Konglu's hand. He couldn't help but look stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something and fell into a daze.

When Jiang Ci saw him coming, he turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Zhouzhi came to his senses in a daze and said hurriedly: "Oh, Mr. Xiao Jiang, Major Chen asked me to tell you that you are ready to go."

Jiang Ci nodded, said "thank you", and turned to find Major Chen.


Lin Konglu didn't have many things in the warehouse, just a backpack, and the other items were all in the car.

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