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After getting the note with the queue address from Jiang Mian, Jiang Ci turned around and walked out.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Mian called him again and said, "Although food with a short shelf life such as milk and soy milk is scarce and difficult to exchange, you don't have to queue up so early, right? It's not even twelve o'clock yet."

Jiang Ci kept walking and explained without looking back: "If you don't go, I will wake up."

Jiang Mian: "?" Aren't you awake now?


When Jiang Ci arrived at the queue place, there was silence all around, with only the clear moonlight filling the street.

It does seem to be early.

He leaned against the unlit streetlight on the side of the road and waited quietly, trying not to fall asleep.

At two or three in the morning, people packed their bags and came to the material distribution point one after another to reserve a spot in advance.

It was almost five o'clock when the material truck arrived at the distribution point. Jiang Ci was the first to redeem milk. After redeeming it, he found that there was soy milk next to it. After thinking about it, he continued to queue for the soy milk.

Although it was not yet dawn, there were many people queuing up. By the time Jiang Ci got all the soy milk, the queues on both sides were already very long, and the milk side was almost finished.

He glanced at it with red eyes, expecting that most of the people in the milk team would not be able to redeem it, so he couldn't help but feel glad that he came early.

He squeezed out of the crowd in a good mood. As soon as he reached the end of the line, he saw Song Jinzhou hurriedly carrying a thermos bucket.

Their eyes met, and both of them fell into silence.

Jiang Ci's red eyes lit up strangely, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he walked over and asked, "Father-in-law is also here to mix the milk?"

"Ahem, yes." Song Jinzhou coughed slightly, and after reacting, he said with a straight face: "Don't yell."

Jiang Ci: "It seems that the milk is almost out. There is such a long queue. Father-in-law, you..." I'm afraid I won't be able to redeem it.

When Song Jinzhou heard this, he immediately looked to the front of the line. It was a coincidence that the person at the distribution point said, "There is no more milk. Others will come back tomorrow, or wait in line for soy milk."

Song Jinzhou frowned suddenly, why was he not in line again? I even came an hour early today.

If there is no milk, it will be a minor matter if my wife scolds me when I go back later, but a major matter if my younger son cannot supplement his nutrition. This child was lost since he was a child and suffered so much that he was in poor health. Now he is pregnant and is so thin that his chin is pointed...

Just as he was thinking about it, a bag of milk was handed to him.

Song Jinzhou looked up in surprise.

Jiang Ci's red eyes were serious: "This is for the baby to drink."

Song Jinzhou was silent. Professor Song was usually courageous, but this milk was for his youngest son...

The two of them were silent for a while, and Song Jinzhou was obviously having a fierce ideological struggle.

At this time, the people in line next to him couldn't help but said: "Sir, my son-in-law gives it to you, just take it, the baby at home is still waiting to drink it."

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