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Dual personality?

Lin Konglu turned his head and looked at Jiang Ci, secretly thinking about the possibilities.

If it's the same soul, that seems to be the only possibility.

Seeing that he kept staring at her, Jiang Ci blinked his red eyes and asked, "Baby?"

Lin Konglu suddenly came to his senses, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

I'm afraid I have to ask Jiang Ci during the day. Jiang Ci at night doesn't know anything and his cognition is not normal.

Moreover, he was not sure whether the other party had a dual personality, so he rashly let the unstable red-eyed Jiang Ci know about this matter. Obviously, it would be easier to deal with it than letting the calm and rational Jiang Ci know first during the day.

Thinking of this, Lin Konglu temporarily suppressed his doubts and moved his gaze outside the base.

The battle under the city wall had reached a fever pitch, and when the sky was about to turn white, He Yang swung a frost blade and killed the last seven or eight zombies.

Scattered cheers suddenly sounded all around, and then there were more and more cheers.

Many ordinary people who had been sleepless all night heard the sound and understood that the crisis had passed. They couldn't help but rush out from their homes and gathered under the city wall to ask questions. Their excitement was beyond words.

Outside the city wall, in the center of countless zombie corpses, He Yang raised the frost knife in his hand to show victory.

The awakened people around her welcomed her into the base with excited expressions. Some ordinary people who came to inquire about the situation looked slightly stunned when they saw her, and still backed away in fear.

He Yang neither looked at the people surrounding her nor those who were afraid of her. With a calm look on her face, she walked straight to Lin Konglu, who had just stepped down from the city wall, and said in a respectful tone: "Mr. Lin, under your leadership, we have successfully repelled the zombie wave."

Lin Konglu was stunned.

Did he lead it? He just helped kill the most difficult to deal with the awakened zombies and high-level zombies, and saved the relatively strong He Yang... Well, put it this way, he did have a lot of credit.

When the awakened people around heard He Yang's mention, they suddenly remembered that if it weren't for Mr. Lin's help, they might not have been able to repel the zombie wave, let alone the other party's help in killing the old monster Qin who had turned into a zombie.

So they all came forward to thank:

"Mr. Lin, thank you very much."

"Will you stay at our base forever?"

"You and Mr. Jiang beside you are really great benefactors to our base."

Song Yunwei, who went down to help fight zombies for a few hours, just came back: "..."

You're welcome, I won't stay, so why don't I help you if you co-write?

However, as soon as this group of people publicized it, many people in the base soon heard that the previous City Lord Qin was a zombie and that he was the one who caused the zombie wave. The new Mr. Lin helped them fight off the zombies.

The old man who had given Lin Konglu and Lin Konglu an apple in exchange heard about it, and brought the only wrinkled apple left in the house to give to Lin Konglu.

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