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Jiang Ci frowned after tasting the lipstick, doubt flashing in his bloodthirsty eyes.

It was sweet, not the blood he thought it was.

This made him give up the idea of ​​licking all the red on the other person's lips, although... he still really wanted to.

Lin Konglu had come to his senses at this time, his beautiful eyes were confused and confused.

Why is Jiang Ci licking his lipstick?

It’s just that the other party doesn’t know him. Doesn’t he know that this is a state of consciousness and that he must try to leave quickly?

"Do you...remember who you are?" He tried to ask, his eyes full of hope.

Jiang Ci stared at him with cold eyes, as if without emotion. The vines behind him flicked like a tail, but he made no sound.

Lin Konglu waited for a few seconds, feeling increasingly uncertain.

When he hesitated to speak again, Jiang Ci suddenly lowered his body and pressed him down. His inorganic eyes stared at his face, patrolling every inch, seemingly not missing even the smallest hairs.

It feels like an animal looking at food.

Lin Konglu shrank subconsciously, turned his head to avoid it, and closed his eyes tightly.

Obviously, Jiang Ci's situation is different from his. Not only did the other party have lost his memory, but he didn't know that he was in a state of consciousness at the moment. He seemed to be a little bit demented, and his mentality might be similar to that of an inhuman monster.

When she felt his breath on her neck, Lin Konglu's body trembled unconsciously, and tiny particles were aroused on her fair and delicate skin.

He waited nervously for a long time, but did not notice the other party's next move, and quietly opened one eye.

Jiang Ci was still looking at him, looking a little irritable.

He had never caught such a beautiful prey before. It was delicate and frail, and its skin was so tender that it seemed like it would break if touched. If you eat it directly, it may taste good, but it would be a pity; but if you don't eat it, you don't know what to do with it for a while.

Seeing that he didn't attack him, Lin Konglu gradually felt relieved.

He moved his body, but was unable to break away from the vines, and tried again: "You..."

As soon as they opened their mouths, gunfire suddenly broke out in the forest, and more than a dozen bullets were fired at them at the same time.

Lin Konglu was stunned.

Jiang Ci quickly raised his head, a cold look flashed in his eyes. The vines behind him grew rapidly, covering the surrounding area in an instant. The dense branches were so tough that they could block bullets.

Lin Konglu immediately understood that the villagers who sent the bride off had not left at all. Their original intention was not to sacrifice the bride to the monster, but to use the bride as bait to make a surprise attack while the monster's attention was on the bride.

Unfortunately, their raid was unsuccessful, and it would be difficult to kill them again.

The villagers also knew this. When they saw that the raid failed, some people immediately panicked——

"What should I do? He wasn't killed."

"Shen Yao is no longer a human being. He is a monster. He is indeed a monster!"

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