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Jiang Mian frowned, thought for a moment and said, "It should have been more than three months ago at the earliest. At first, it was just that the lower legs were often weak. It was after the car accident that I really lost consciousness and started to atrophy."

When Butler Ding saw that his leg was fine, he was excited and frightened. Hearing this, he hesitated and said, "But Ah Mian, you have been at the central base and have never been out. How could you be infected by mutated parasites?"

"Yes." Pan Zhuoyi also nodded. Although he didn't understand the situation, he also knew that there were absolutely no mutant creatures in the central base, including the scientific research institute.

It is said that professors at the scientific research institute who want to study mutated organisms must apply to go to laboratories outside the base and cannot conduct research within the base to prevent parasites and infections from being brought into the base.

Butler Ding recalled it carefully, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and he guessed: "Could it be Xiaorong? He went outside more than three months ago."

Pan Zhuoyi subconsciously wanted to say "impossible". The central base has very strict inspections of mutated creatures. Bringing mutated creatures into the base will definitely be detected.

But then I thought about it, and I felt that I couldn’t be too absolute. It is said that some advanced parasites have not been discovered yet, and existing detection methods may not be able to detect them.

Jiang Ci's face was already very ugly. He suddenly squeezed the metal box and stood up, saying to Butler Ding, "Uncle Ding, take your elder brother back first."

Butler Ding was stunned and quickly asked: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Ci's eyes were cold and he asked instead, "Jiang Rong is in the hospital near the detention center now?"

Yesterday, Mr. Jiang and Butler Ding went to the base police station to file a report regarding Jiang Rong's instigation of someone driving a car into Jiang Mian. Because Jiang Rong's leg was broken, he is currently being sent to a hospital near the detention center. He is only waiting for his leg to recover before being interrogated.

Butler Ding was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly tried to persuade him: "Aci, I know you are angry, but the base adheres to the law and prohibits private fights. You go now. If you are angered and beat him again, the doctor over there will report the case. Yes. It’s not worth it for Jiang Rong.”

After saying that, he looked at Lin Konglu with pleading eyes and said, "Good boy, please come and persuade him soon."

Lin Konglu: "..."

Why do they have the illusion that Jiang Mian and Butler Ding treat him as a member of the family?

He stepped forward hesitantly, and was about to persuade Jiang Ci for a few words when he suddenly received a call from Song Jinzhou.

"Xiaobao, about the remaining pages..."

"Ahem, Dad, just call me Xiaolu." Lin Konglu corrected, and then asked: "What's wrong with the broken page?"

Song Jinzhou: "Oh, okay, that's it. The content on the remaining pages has been deciphered. The Research Institute hopes that you and Jiang Ci can take a look and see if they can provide more information."

Lin Konglu was surprised, he didn't expect the crack would be so fast. It seems that less than three days have passed since he and Jiang Ci handed over the broken pages to the scientific research institute.

He hung up the phone, looked up and saw Jiang Ci looking over, and explained, "The broken page has been cracked, and the scientific research institute wants us to come over."

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