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"To be precise, they used to be people from official organizations." Jiang Ci quickly added.

In the early years, United Continent did have a global special incident handling organization, which was authorized and established by personnel from each continent, and had branches in each continent.

But later due to differences, several major continents successively withdrew their authorization and personnel, and the organization also fell apart. After some people left, they re-established the Global Special Incident Handling Association, which is the association that Shen Yao later joined.

Although the association is no longer officially authorized, it still bears the name of the original organization. Even many small continents are unable to handle those special events and simply let them handle it by default.

As for more things, Jiang Ci didn't know. His memory only came to Jiemen Village and turned into a plant monster inexplicably.

Lin Konglu put one hand on his chin and nodded secretly: No wonder Shen Yao was deceived. It seems that it's not entirely because he didn't download the anti-fraud app. This organization is indeed bluffing. Although it is not authorized by the United States, some small states acquiesce.

The United Continent is an alliance of all continents, and a continent is similar to a country. With the support of some small states, it can be considered a semi-official organization.

Jiang Ci looked at his slender fingers holding his chin, his eyes dimmed, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. He looked away slightly and continued: "Although the organization's method of developing members is simple and it seems easy to join, after joining, it is just an external experience. To work, if you want to get inside, the conditions are very demanding.”

It was only one year after Shen Yao joined that he gradually noticed the abnormality of the organization. This was because he was good at handling special events and was promoted quickly.

When the two were still about to talk, there was a slight noise outside the window.

Lin Konglu was immediately alert, and Jiang Ci instantly transformed into vines.

"Xiaoyu, it's me." A soft and small voice soon came from outside.

Lin Konglu breathed a sigh of relief, lifted a corner of the curtain, and saw that only Su Wei was sneaking around in the yard, so he went over to open the door.

Just as he turned around, a vine suddenly wrapped around his wrist.

Lin Konglu looked back in surprise.

Jiang Ci reflexively held him with the vines as before. After regaining consciousness, he realized something was wrong and hurriedly let go.

But he pursed his lips and warned, "Don't trust the people here too much."

Lin Konglu understood what he meant and explained with a smile: "It's okay, she helped us hide here."

If Su Wei had bad intentions, she would have secretly reported the news when he brought Jiang Ci into the village. She would not have waited so long and come alone.

Sure enough, Su Wei just took advantage of the darkness to secretly bring them food. After seeing Lin Konglu, she whispered: "Don't worry, I checked when I came here, no one saw me."

After saying that, he saw that Jiang Ci had woken up and was standing to the side. His right ear was still like a twig, and his eyes were scrutinizing. She finally got scared and realized that the other person was already a monster.

Lin Konglu noticed it and subconsciously stood between the two to block it. He took the cake from Su Wei and advised her not to come again.

After all, there are mutants in the village. Going out at night is not only dangerous, but also easy to expose their whereabouts.

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