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"Little deer!" Song Jinzhou came out immediately. He looked up and saw the situation in Laboratory Building No. 3, and his expression suddenly changed.

Seeing that Lin Konglu was still going there, he quickly pulled him back, his tone no longer calm: "Xiaolu, it's dangerous over there. Go to the underground bunker with your father first, and then..."

Then he had to find his wife, who was also at the scientific research institute.

Song Jinzhou was so flustered that his hands were trembling.

Lin Konglu's wrist was tightly grasped, and he quickly turned his head and stopped his steps. His tone was equally anxious, with uneasiness and trembling: "Dad, I have to go there, that's Jiang Ci."

Song Jinzhou was stunned for a moment, his face changed several times, but he had no time to be shocked that Jiang Ci was actually a plant monster, so he quickly persuaded him: "Xiaolu, dad knows you are worried about him, but it is too dangerous now. You go hide underground first, and I will go." Find your mother, and then try to save him..."

There were people running around in panic and shouts of panic. The awakened ones who had gathered in Experimental Building No. 3 were attacking the vines with various abilities. But the vines are as tough as steel and all attacks are in vain.

In the sky, fighter jets taking off from the military headquarters were coming closer and closer, roaring loudly.

Lin Konglu's face turned pale, he gritted his teeth and took out the carrot, saying: "It's too late, I am the only one who can save him now."

With that said, he opened Song Jinzhou's hand and turned around to go to Building 3 again. A vine just happened to fly through the air and almost scratched his cheek.

Song Jinzhou turned pale with fright, and rushed forward to retrieve him again.

The broadcast rang again: "Attention, everyone, stay away from Experimental Building No. 3 immediately and prepare for bombing. Attention, everyone..."

Obviously, the base has decided that even if it blows up the scientific research institute, it must eliminate the plant monster that suddenly appeared in front of it as soon as possible. After all, no one can guarantee that if the delay continues, the central base will become the Rongcheng it was before.

Several old professors who had not had time to hide underground staggered when they heard this and shouted: "Can't blow it up, can't blow it up. There are precious research materials and broken pages in Building 3..."

"Professor Fu is still in Building 3." Another person said in panic.

Lin Konglu's pupils shrank, and he suddenly turned around and grabbed Song Jinzhou's clothes. His voice was urgent: "Dad, can you persuade the higher-ups not to bomb now? Jiang Ci won't hurt anyone. I can make him return to normal, and I guarantee that he won't completely degenerate." change."

Perhaps because he was too panicked, his voice was trembling, almost like crying.

Song Jinzhou thought in a daze that his youngest son actually liked Jiang Ci so much. Maybe this was true love between life and death?

He felt sad and sad, and wanted to persuade him again, but at this time, Lin Konglu gritted his teeth and squeezed the carrot tightly.

He looked determined and highly concentrated. In an instant, the toy-like carrot in his hand turned into a scepter as tall as a person. The scepter was surrounded by silver light, which was sacred and mysterious.

Song Jinzhou was stunned.

Gu Zhu and Song Yunwei hurried over and were stunned when they saw this scene: "Is this?"

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