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"Zhao Xingmo" is not good at lying. When lying, his eyes will move unconsciously and his eyes will wander.

Lin Konglu stared at him for a while, then suddenly covered his stomach and said in pain: "It hurts."

"Zhao Xingmo" was stunned, then hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Konglu frowned and said with difficulty, "Maybe I'm tired from walking too much."

"Zhao Xingmo" showed no emotion in his eyes, and his tone was obviously a little panicked as he asked: "Can't you walk a lot?"

"Yeah." Lin Konglu nodded painfully and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Zhao Xingmo" looked away, his voice became a little weak, and finally said: "Yes, I'm sorry, I pointed you in the wrong direction, and I deliberately avoided other people."

Lin Konglu: "..." Sure enough.

He quickly stood up straight and asked expressionlessly, "Why?"

"Zhao Xingmo" was stunned and asked, "You don't feel any pain anymore?"

Lin Konglu shook his head and continued to ask: "Why do you want to mislead me to be separated from others?"

What is the purpose of this young man who looks the same as Zhao Xingmo? What is his relationship with Zhao Xingmo?

"Zhao Xingmo" lowered his head, fingers clasping the lines on the handle of the giant scythe, and said nothing.

Seeing this, Lin Konglu sighed and said, "Forget it, but we can't give random directions anymore."

"Zhao Xingmo" immediately breathed a sigh of relief and nodded hurriedly. After nodding, he hesitated for a moment and then asked in confusion: "Have we really been here before?"

Lin Konglu: "..." Daqing, did you really not notice it?


After Jiang Ci and Song Yunwei left the valley, they stopped at the same time.

Jiang Ci turned around and asked, "Looking for them separately or together?"

Song Yunwei frowned. Although he didn't want to admit it, he still said: "Separate, you have spatial ability and can search faster. You can search farther away. If I come with you, it will slow you down. It's better to be responsible for the search nearby. "

Jiang Ci nodded and was about to turn around when Song Yunwei said again: "Wait, one code is one code, even if you find Xiaolu first, I won't entrust him to you. Also, you can't bully him anymore."

Jiang Ci wanted to say "no", but then he thought about it, if this "bullying" was "bullying" in another sense...

So he wisely made no guarantees.

After the two separated, Jiang Ci took out a map and used his spatial abilities almost nonstop, trying to find all the valleys and mountains he could find before dark.

But until the power was exhausted and the sky was getting dark, there was no sign of Linkong Lu.

On the contrary, Song Yunwei, who was searching nearby, soon found Xie Xin and others.

He took Xie Xin and others to guard He Yang and the others, then turned back and continued to search in the distance. When it was getting dark, he happened to bump into Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci's heart sank when he saw that even Song Yunwei could bump into him, but he couldn't find Lin Konglu.

The little beauty is pregnant and has poor physical strength. It is impossible to walk too far. Could it be...

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