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Jiang Cilai came to the Research Institute in Major Chen's car, but there was no car when he returned. After Song Jinzhou found out, he offered to give him a ride. After all, he was the savior of his youngest son.

Jiang Ci did not refuse. After getting in the car, he and Lin Konglu sat in the back seat, Song Jinzhou drove and Gu Zhu sat in the passenger seat.

With the seat blocking it, Jiang Ci was finally able to secretly hold Lin Konglu's hand. Lin Konglu looked at him in surprise. He wanted to pull back, but he was afraid of making too much noise and alerting his parents in the front seat.

Jiang Ci scratched the palm of his hand, and suddenly felt like falling in love at a young age behind his parents' back, although it was not too early...at least according to his age.

Lin Konglu could only stare at him secretly, with his wide-open cat eyes, which made him feel a little itchy, but he couldn't touch him.

Song Jinzhou didn't notice the little movements of the two people. After asking for the address of Jiang's family, he drove to Jiang's villa.

"You live in Clear Water Bay and your surname is Jiang. Could it be that Jiang Boxun is your grandfather?" Song Jinzhou asked while driving and chatting.

Seeing Jiang Ci nodding from the rear view window, he understood clearly and said, "No wonder, not many people can still live in Qingshui Bay now. Your grandpa is very courageous."

Before the outbreak of the virus, there had been several zombie bite incidents around the world, but they were all small-scale outbreaks, and the zombies were quickly eliminated, and the news was suppressed and never spread.

But Jiang Ci's grandfather was the richest man in Yunjing at the time, and the organization related to the zombie biting incident happened to be connected with some wealthy businessmen. Although Jiang Ci's grandfather had no contact with them, he had heard some rumors.

So when the incident at Rongcheng Yuan happened, he was keenly aware that something was wrong and quickly transferred all the supplies he could mobilize back to the central base in Yunjing at that time.

At that time, Mr. Jiang just thought that Rongcheng might be in trouble, and because he was getting older, he wanted to be on the safe side, so he wanted to bring his business back to Yunjing. Unexpectedly, not long after, the virus broke out.

Therefore, at the beginning of the end of the world, the Jiang family had abundant supplies in Yunjing, the central base, which was said to account for half of the base's stock of supplies at that time. Because of these supplies, most of the people who survived in the village were willing to continue to follow the Jiang family.

There were people with food and people, and among these people there were awakened people. In the central base at that time, the Jiang family could be regarded as a considerable force besides the official force. It is said that during that time, when the first uncle of the Jiang family went out to meet people, his eyes seemed to be on the top of his head.

But then, Mr. Jiang donated all the supplies to the base, and personally led people to assist the base in planning and building walls. He even planned to move out of the Jiang family villa and give it to people in greater need.

It is true that the leadership of the base had already planned to confiscate all the materials in the base. No matter how powerful the Jiang family was, it was just ordinary people before the apocalypse who had gained some strength after the apocalypse and relied on materials to temporarily gather together. It can't really be an opponent of the military.

But it was really troublesome for the base at that time to have a head-on confrontation. Besides, the base is here to save people, not to rob them.

Therefore, the leaders of the base have been mentally prepared to persuade the Jiang family earnestly and ask the Jiang family to give up some supplies based on justice. Unexpectedly, before they came to the door, Mr. Jiang approached them and asked to donate supplies.

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