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Three or four hours after Lin Konglu left Wuwang City, Shen Huo woke up.

He walked out of the dormitory and did not see Song Yunwei. He frowned slightly and asked the divine attendant standing guard: "Where is Song Yunwei?"

The messenger hurriedly replied: "Praise God, Mr. Song, Mr. Song, he..."

"What's wrong with him?" Shen Mo frowned even more tightly.

The divine servant gritted his teeth and said in a panic, "He ran away with the Holy Son."

Shen Nuo looked slightly stunned and didn't react for a moment.

The Divine Attendant looked at him carefully and then said hesitantly: "Not only him, but also the Holy Husband. These two heretics are in a group. They took the Holy Son hostage and ran away early this morning. When the Divine Envoy discovered it, it was already too late."

Shen Luo's face suddenly became very ugly, his expression was slightly cold, and he was no longer holy and calm as before.

He suddenly walked quickly towards the side hall where Lin Konglu lived. Under his calm face, his emotions fluctuated violently, and his wings grew out of control behind him.

The divine attendants who were kneeling on the spot looked at each other, stood up in a hurry, and whispered: "Quickly, go report to the envoy of the gods."


When Meng Yichuan arrived at the side hall, Shen Huo had already regained his composure, folded his wings, was holding a piece of silk with a carrot pattern in his hand, and was staring at the pattern with his eyes lowered.

Meng Yichuan breathed a sigh of relief, bowed his head and respectfully apologized: "Praise God, it was my mismanagement that allowed those two heretics to kidnap the Holy Son."

He wasn't worried that Shen Huo would know anything. As soon as Lin Konglu left, he searched the side hall to make sure that the other party didn't leave anything he shouldn't have left behind.

Moreover, this was not the first time that he had made his own decisions behind God's back. He was very experienced and used his own confidants to ensure that these people would not tell Shen Luo the truth. Anyway, he did it for the good of God.

Meng Yichuan lowered his eyes and knelt on one knee, looking extremely calm, just like when he killed those mercenaries behind Shen Huo's back.

Shen Luo didn't respond, just stared at him with his eyes lowered, and the pads of his thumb and index finger rubbed the silk cloth with a carrot pattern in his hand.

After a moment, he picked up the paper knife from the table and cut the silk cloth.

The center of the silk cloth was actually double-layered. He rubbed it slightly with his fingertips, and a note was quickly revealed in the middle layer.

This was a careful trick played by Lin Konglu. He guessed that Meng Yichuan would definitely search the bedroom after he left, so he deliberately hid the note in the interlayer silk and used the thin thread of the scepter to draw a carrot pattern.

Meng Yichuan had never seen this pattern before. Even if he saw the silk cloth, he would not think much about it. He would only open it to see if there was anything covered under the silk cloth. The paper is so thin that you won't be able to notice it unless you hold the silk cloth and knead it.

But Shen Huo was different. He had seen the carrot pattern and knew the function of the pattern. When he saw the silk cloth, he would definitely pick it up and look at it carefully.

So Lin Konglu safely placed the silk cloth in a conspicuous place just to make it easier for him to see.

Meng Yichuan lowered his head at this moment and didn't notice it at all.

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