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Jiang Ci's previous guess was correct. As early as before the end of the world, the organization had conducted research on Tang Yichuan and successfully used drugs to interfere with people who showed signs of awakening abilities after being injected with genetic evolution fluid, so that their awakening abilities were space-based.

Because of this, among the people sent out by the organization, there are often people with space abilities.

One of the lion-eared men has such a space ability, which was also a key factor in their successful escape before.

But it's easy to get out, but it's hard to get in. The fire blockade jointly set up by Zhongzhou and Xizhou is not that easy to pass through.

In addition, the key components of the interfering drug are replacement components that were copied and synthesized by the organization after studying Tang Yichuan's genes.

Perhaps because they are re-engraved, all space-system awakeners interfered with by drugs are far less capable than Tang Yichuan, even if they are injected with a large amount of genetic evolution fluid.

The same goes for the space user in the Lion-Eared Man's team. He can only move foreign objects, not himself, and the moving distance is only 500 meters.

The lion-eared man could only bend down and carefully lead his companion closer.

Fortunately, the soldiers in the outer blockade were all focused on the base and did not notice them immediately. It wasn't until the distance was almost 400 meters that someone finally noticed it, and the infrared light spot was immediately aimed at several people's heads.

The lion-eared man roared: "Hurry!"

In an instant, the space ability user sent seven or eight of them into the blockade.

A blockade was set up around the Chaweng base. After passing through the blockade, you had to run for another two kilometers to avoid the bombers overhead before you could enter the base.

The lion-eared man and others hardly hesitated and immediately ran forward. At the same time, an earth-type ability user built an earth wall behind him to resist attacks from the rear.

Zhao Xingmo also ran as fast as he could after the lion-eared man. His large cloak was in the way, so he simply tore it off and stared at the base gate with red eyes. His lungs were in severe pain from running.

The commander in charge of the peripheral blockade immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted at the top of his lungs: "It's a mutant monster. It may be support from the organization. Stop them."

A bomber flew over at low altitude. The pilot saw Zhao Xingmo's terrifying face with black mushrooms and immediately concluded that he had seriously degraded and was probably the strongest among them.

He quickly turned around and flew back, ready to press the button to fire the weapon.

At the same time, Major Chen, who was in the command vehicle, also received the report and picked up his binoculars to look here.

He recognized Zhao Xingmo at a glance, and he couldn't help but be shocked: How did this child become like this?

But it wasn't too surprising. After all, he heard that this kid had injected seven or eight injections of genetic evolution fluid in one breath, and he was lucky to still be alive.

In addition, he also heard that this boy would do this to save his brother and father.

So he was definitely not a reinforcement of the organization, but wanted to go in and save people.

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