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Lin Konglu was forced to raise his face and looked at Jiang Ci nervously, his expression hard to tell whether he was more shocked or more panicked.

Even when he was completely enveloped by Jiang Ci's aura, he still had random thoughts: Isn't this not good?

After all, they were also ex-couples who had broken up, and it was he who dumped Jiang Ci. I heard from the system that when he was dumped, he also said a lot of words that hurt Jiang Ci's self-esteem.

Jiang Ci must not be able to turn back. If something happens to them at this moment, when Jiang Ci regains his memory after returning...who is taking advantage of others' danger?

Also, when the system left, it did not have time to tell him the specific mission, but it did say that he had to follow the male protagonist and play the role of the ex-boyfriend.

Of course, the ex-boyfriend can't have anything happen to the male protagonist, not to mention Lin Konglu himself doesn't want to.

Realizing that Jiang Ci was approaching again, he quickly raised his hands to cover his face, blocking his gaze, and said nervously, "Wait, you can't..."

Jiang Ci pressed down on him without any care and held him in his arms.

The green branches beneath the two of them instantly woven into a mat. Lin Konglu was trapped on the large mat, gasping for air and tilting his head to avoid the possible kiss.

His glistening white earlobe brushed Jiang Ci's lips, and crimson spread quickly on his skin. His crow-green eyelashes couldn't help but tremble slightly, and his beautiful eyes could no longer hide the panic.

Jiang Ci's lips touched his soft earlobe. As if he had learned something by himself, he subconsciously opened his lips and bit them. But because his spouse was too weak, he didn't dare to use too much force and just rubbed it gently with the tips of his teeth.

Lin Konglu's breathing suddenly became confused for a moment, and his hands and feet became inexplicably weak. He tried hard to push Jiang Ci away, but he was like a bird caught in the palm of his hand, unable to do anything but flutter.

Jiang Ci bit him for a while, then gradually closed his arms and hugged him tighter.

Lin Konglu was so flustered that he felt like a pastry on a dinner plate, waiting to be eaten.

But after a long time, Jiang Ci made no further moves.

Just when Lin Konglu couldn't help but tried to scare him away with a fierce tone, he finally raised his head, a moment of confusion flashed in his dark eyes, and asked: "What to do next?"

Lin Konglu: "?"

Lin Konglu: "???"

Lin Konglu: ...So you don’t know how to do it?

He breathed a long sigh of relief and became less nervous for an instant, then glared at the other party: You don't know how, didn't you tell me earlier?

I almost scared him to death just now.

But that's right, Jiang Ci now not only has lost his memory, but his brain is also a little abnormal. His thinking and habits are similar to those of a monster, and he doesn't seem to be normal.

Lin Konglu quickly thought of a solution. His beautiful eyes flickered as he looked at Jiang Ci and said seriously: "You can't do it, but I can. Listen to me, you are a vegetative state, and a vegetative state has to pay...forget it, Let’s talk about reproduction.”

He coughed lightly and changed his words: "In order for a plant to reproduce, it must first bloom. After the flowers bloom, they can be pollinated and then they can reproduce."

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