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After Lin Konglu finished speaking, the room fell into silence.

Jiang Ci looked at him stiffly, and after a long time, he said hoarsely: "Would Zai Zai..."

His voice was hard and he couldn't hide his worry.

Lin Konglu looked away slightly and said softly: "I don't know, maybe he will turn back into an ordinary one-year-old child, no longer articulate, able to communicate with others, able to recite ancient poems, do arithmetic, maybe... even forget Memories of these past few months."

Jiang Ci hesitated: "Is this the worst case scenario?"

If so, the situation is not bad, after all, it is just a return to normal.

Lin Konglu shook his head and said, "I can't guarantee it. It may not be as good as ordinary children, but it will definitely not hurt your life."

But the rabbit is hard to say. Judging from the previous situation where the rabbit grew old and stupid without touching the carrot scepter, the rabbit was an aging rabbit before it gained the power of the scepter.

Without the power of the scepter, it might have died of old age. Similarly, if you take back the power from it now, it will turn back into an ordinary rabbit, that is, it will soon die of old age, or even die of old age directly.

Jiang Ci obviously didn't consider Rabbit. After knowing that Zaizai's life was not in danger, Jiang Ci gradually let go of his concern. He hugged him gently and whispered, "Whether he is smart or not, he is our child."

At this time, Lin Zaizai suddenly woke up on the bed.

He opened a pair of eyes as beautiful and moist as Lin Konglu, and when he saw the two fathers, he immediately showed a happy look.

"Big daddy, little daddy!" His voice was clear and crisp, he jumped up and rushed towards Linkong Lu like a little adult.

Lin Konglu caught his fragrant and soft little body, sighed, and asked, "Have you listened to your grandparents at home?"

"Listen." Lin Zaizai immediately counted with him on his fingers, "Grandma taught me to memorize 30 poems, and grandpa taught me addition and subtraction within 100..."

Lin Konglu stroked his soft hair, and thought that after taking away the power, he would turn back into a normal silly one-year-old boy. He might not even be able to remember him and Jiang Ci, so he felt a little reluctant, thinking Watch for a while.

Jiang Ci took Zaizai from his arms, picked it up, weighed it up, and said, "Zaizai, stop memorizing those poems for now, let's talk to daddy and daddy for a while."

Lin Zaizai's eyes were bright, she nestled in his arms and said, "Okay, okay, but... what did I say?"

Jiang Ci's eyes were soft: "Just say whatever you want."

Lin Zaizai thought hard, stretched out his chubby hands to tug at the small green leaves on his head, and asked, "Dad, why do I have leaves on my head and other babies don't?"

Jiang Ci: "Uh."

Lin Konglu couldn't help laughing: "That's a gift from your eldest father."

Lin Zaizai's eyes were bright, but then he asked: "Then why don't the little dad and the big daddy have them?"

Lin Konglu coughed lightly: "Because your eldest father didn't give it to me."

Jiang Ci suddenly turned to look at him, with slightly red eyes.

The next second, his right hand behind his back turned into a vine, and an ice-blue flower bloomed. He placed it on Lin Konglu's heart and said, "Who said I didn't send it?"

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