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Outside the base, the night wind blew sand and gravel, and the "rustling" sound accompanied by the sound of twisted footsteps was particularly clear at night.

The zombies who walked under the city wall noticed that there was a human presence nearby, and suddenly climbed up the wall crazily. The zombies behind ignored the obstacles and also came like a tide.

Soon, they were stacking up like Arhats, stacking higher and higher under the city, stretching their withered hands towards the city wall, roaring like evil ghosts in hell.

The high-level zombies mixed in among them stepped on other zombies and jumped to the highest point of the "corpse pile" twice. They looked straight at the people standing on the top of the city wall and were about to jump up.

Everyone hurriedly turned their attention away from Lin Konglu. Those with weapons used their weapons, and those without weapons used their awakening abilities to hurriedly stop the zombies that were about to climb up.

But there were too many zombies, and the people on the city wall did not have a courageous leader to command them, so they were in a panic.

"What the hell, how did you fight? You're fighting high-level zombies. What's the use of fighting ordinary zombies?"

"Damn it, a bunch of idiots, they all said they'd kill the high-level zombies first, but they've already jumped on the wall!"

"What do you know? There are too many ordinary zombies. If this continues, they will tear down the wall."

"This won't work. There are too many zombies. We just can't kill them all."

"What should we do? Why don't we retreat? We can't defeat them."

"Why are you crying in mourning? Just say it if you're afraid of death."

"I'm not afraid of death, but my parents are in the base. They are ordinary people. If the base cannot be defended, they..." The voice of the person who said he wanted to evacuate was choked, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If the base cannot be defended sooner or later, It’s better to organize the people in the base to evacuate first.”

This sentence touched the hearts of many people. Who doesn’t still have family and friends in the base, so they are so desperate?

"If you can evacuate, where can you evacuate?" After two seconds of silence, someone spoke hoarsely.

Yes, there are nearly 100,000 people in the base, most of them are ordinary people, and there are only a thousand awakened people. With so many people evacuating at the same time, I'm afraid most of them will be lost on the road alone before they can reach other bases.

Such a high number is all human life. Who can guarantee that the person who died is not him or his family and friends?

"I wonder where the Qin family's space user is?" Someone suddenly said, while attacking the zombies that were about to climb up, he gasped: "If he comes to use the space door, he will definitely send away these zombies."

After saying that, the person who spoke felt a little embarrassed again. After all, they had just attacked the Qin family and beat up the Qin family's bodyguards.


Lin Konglu held the scepter at this time and turned around slowly. The top of the scepter instantly shot out thin white light, strangling several high-level zombies that had just jumped up the wall.

The pressure on everyone who was dealing with the zombies suddenly eased, and they subconsciously looked at him again.

"You..." someone said hesitantly.

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