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"Meng Yichuan was kicked out of Wuwang City?" Lin Konglu was surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, yes." Yang Tianning asked for help, and quickly gained favor with Shen Huo, saying, "God knows that after you, the Holy Son, were driven out of the city by that white-eyed wolf Meng Yichuan, you were so angry that you drove him away too. God also I wanted to come out to see you in person, but I was not feeling well, so I stopped me. Who would have thought that those Xiao Xiaoxiao people took the opportunity to sneak up on the god and showed no respect for martial ethics."

Lin Konglu frowned, he did not expect that such a big change would happen in Wuwang City in just a few days.

Although Shen Huo is a bit of a charlatan, he is not a bad person. Not only is he not bad, he has also saved many people and protected the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Wuwang City.

Although he occasionally acted a little outrageously, such as brainwashing Lin Konglu as soon as they met, dragging people who had just entered the city and those who had been brainwashed in the city to choose a concubine for Lin Konglu, etc., these were not life-threatening things.

What's more, his brainwashing failed, but he was "brainwashed" by Lin Konglu, and he treated Lin Konglu very well afterwards. As for brainwashing the people in the city, that was probably not his intention.

Therefore, whether it was for Shen Luo or the broken pages in Wuwang City, Lin Konglu felt that this was a big help.

Even if you don't consider these two points, you still have to consider the hundreds of thousands of lives in Wuwang City. If Wuwang City falls into the hands of the remnants of the organization, can the hundreds of thousands of people in the city survive?

But wanting to save is one thing, but how to save is another.

Lin Konglu looked left and right, and there were only Jiang Ci, rabbits, and a camel around him. The only one who was really reliable and capable of fighting was Jiang Ci.

Is this... possible?

He couldn't help but turn his head and looked at Jiang Ci eagerly.

Jiang Ci received his gaze and hummed unhappily: "You are really interested in that (fake) brother of yours."

When Yang Tianning heard this tone, he had a bad intuition and said hurriedly: "The Holy Husband's words are obvious, right? When you marry the Holy Son, God will also be your brother."

Jiang Ci's mouth twitched slightly, it was the first time he saw such a familiar person.

Lin Konglu couldn't help laughing. He raised his hand and hooked Jiang Ci's neck, making the other person lower his head slightly. He leaned back and leaned into the other person's arms. He put the back of his head on the other person's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "This is a favor." Need help..."

He told him all the reasons he had just thought about. Jiang Ci lowered his head, his ears were caressed by his breath, and his strong arms unconsciously held the person in his arms tightly.

In fact, how could he not have thought of what Lin Konglu said? After hearing this, he lowered his eyes slightly, did not agree, and asked, "Is that all?"

Lin Konglu: "..."

He raised his head and blinked at Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci also lowered his head, his eyes gradually falling on his delicate and white neck and his delicate Adam's apple.

The dry desert wind blew, and the atmosphere became weird for no reason.

Yang Tianning and others standing next to the camel didn't know why, and looked anxious.

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