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Outside the intensive care unit of the base hospital, Zhao Xingmo just woke up from a coma and stubbornly stayed here.

He hugged his knees with his arms and curled up into a ball. His eyes were dull and he didn't say a word, like a stone statue without consciousness.

Yuan Xiaoran stood aside, wanting to say a few words of comfort, but he couldn't say anything dryly.

Jiang Ci and Lin Konglu arrived at this time. When Yuan Xiaoran saw them, he felt like seeing a savior. He hurried forward and lowered his voice and said: "You are finally back, little brother Xingmo, this... situation is not right. "

Lin Konglu had already seen Zhao Xingmo huddled against the wall. He suppressed the worry in his heart, nodded slightly, and asked in a low voice, "How is Uncle Zhao?"

Yuan Xiaoran sighed: What else can be done? When the person was put on the stretcher, he was out of breath.

But Zhao Xingmo was still squatting at the base of the wall, so he couldn't say this yet. He just lowered his voice and said, "We are still rescuing people. After hearing about the situation, Professor Gu also came."

After speaking, he turned to look at Zhao Xingmo. Seeing that he was not paying attention, he shook his head inconspicuously at Lin Konglu and the other two.

Lin Konglu's heart sank, just as Zhao Xingmo turned to look at them, his dull eyes full of helplessness.

Lin Konglu sighed silently and walked over to say a few words of comfort, but the door to the intensive care unit suddenly opened.

Zhao Xingmo immediately stood up and looked at the doctor eagerly. He squatted for too long, his legs were numb, and he staggered forward when he stood up.

Lin Konglu hurriedly supported him, but was forced to lean forward. Jiang Ci grabbed him in time and fell into Jiang Ci's arms.

Jiang Ci frowned slightly and wanted to say something, but didn't say anything. After letting go of him, they looked at the doctor together.

The doctor shook his head regretfully and informed: The patient is brain dead and his heart has stopped beating.

According to his clinical rescue experience before the end of the world, this is already dead.

Professor Gu, who specializes in studying viruses and mutations, said after careful consideration: "Some of his body's functions are still running, and they should be maintained by mycelium."

But as the doctor just said, judging from the clinical rescue situation, Zhao Zhouzhi was already dead, and the mycelium only kept his body from decaying.

Zhao Xingmo's eyes darkened, his body staggered, and he fell back.

This time, before Lin Konglu could reach out his hand, Jiang Ci first supported him and then handed him over to Yuan Xiaoran.

And at this moment, Zhao Xingmo's hair turned mostly white.

Lin Kong Deer God stopped talking, full of worry, and felt uncomfortable thinking about Zhao Zhouzhi's situation.

The person who said yesterday that he would teach Jiang Ci how to make confinement meals suddenly said no and disappeared.

Professor Gu was the one who delivered Zhao Zhouzhi's baby. After knowing the identities of Xingbai and Xingmo, he also paid special attention to the brothers.

Seeing that most of Zhao Xingmo's hair was gray, after he entered the intensive care unit and watched Zhao Zhouzhi come out, he considered his suggestion: "Xingmo, your situation...do you want to come with me to check it out?"

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