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Affected by the explosion over the Chavin base, the bombers briefly evacuated.

The outside of the base was even more in a mess. A thick layer of yellow sand fell on the base vehicle that had been left in place. The circular circle in the distance was torn open by space ability users. Several gaps were torn open by space ability users. It is not known whether the disappeared people were teleported to other places or whether they were teleported elsewhere. …

Major Chen looked through the gray car window, feeling heavy in his heart. He only hoped that it was the former possibility, that at least he would still be alive.

"Major, a helicopter of unknown type suddenly appeared at eight o'clock. It is not ours or Xizhou's. It is moving away. Wait, it disappears... No, it appears again." The correspondent next to him suddenly reported.

Major Chen's face turned ugly for a moment, and he gritted his teeth: "It was the spatial ability, they escaped."

As he spoke, he grabbed the walkie-talkie and commanded the interception in a deep voice.

However, the bomber had just taken off and before it passed over the Chaweng base, a large number of zombie birds suddenly flew out of the base, with blood-red eyes and black bodies, and rushed towards the aircraft.

Immediately afterwards, the dead people in the base suddenly got up with twisted hands and feet, like hyenas smelling the smell of food, and staggered towards the outside of the base. They started very slowly, and within a few minutes, they started running wildly.

Under the ruins of the bombed experimental building, several huge monsters pushed away the walls that were pressing on them. Their blood-red eyes wandered around, and they soon rushed out of the base.

They looked like zombies, but they were several times larger than the zombies we had seen before. They were like giants, almost as big as a small base vehicle.

When the soldiers outside saw these monsters, their expressions suddenly changed and they immediately opened fire. However, the bullet hitting them was like hitting an iron wall, only sparking a burst of sparks.

Soon, a base vehicle closest to the base was overturned by a giant zombie, and the window glass was smashed with a punch.

The soldiers in the car clenched their guns and looked at the behemoth in front of them, their pupils constricted. They could neither retreat nor defeat it.

Just as he was shaking his hands, planning to blow up the car and die together, a white shadow suddenly flashed across the street, and a giant sickle slashed at the giant zombie's raised hand.

At the same time, several black hyphae flew in, tied up the people in the car, and quickly rescued them.

Zhao Xingbai wielded the giant scythe and slashed it more than a dozen times before completely killing the tough-skinned zombie in front of him. He turned back to Zhao Xingmo and warned: "Brother, you are not allowed to use your powers in the future."

Lin Konglu said that his younger brother didn't have much life left and it would definitely not be good if he used his abilities too often.

Therefore, his tone was very serious, rarely with an order, like an older brother.

Zhao Xingmo was stunned for a moment. Is this what it feels like to have a brother who cares about you? Although his tone sounded a bit like he was being ignored, he actually didn't hate it at all and was even a little happy.

It's really strange. Apparently his father didn't allow him to do this or that time before, but he was very unconvinced every time. But if his father could stand in front of him now and say "No this, no that", he would be very happy.

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