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Forget it, it seems that if you want to leave here, you can't rely too much on Jiang Ci, you can only rely on yourself.

Unless Jiang Ci can return to normal immediately.

Lin Konglu thought as he took out the steamed bun and took two bites. Although I'm not hungry, I don't eat all the time and I always feel a little out of sorts.

But after this inexplicable cold war, the two of them didn't speak much. Jiang Ci also stayed at the entrance of the cave, refusing to let Lin Konglu leave.

It happened to be getting late, and the Linkong Deer didn't want to go out, so he curled up in a nest made of soft twigs and closed his eyes to take a nap.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that time in his consciousness seemed to be fast and normal.

After Jiang Ci fell asleep, he looked back.

Seeing the newly snatched spouse wearing a bright red wedding dress, with skin as white as jade, sleeping in the nest he had built himself, looking at the tiny little one, beautiful and cute, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

His right hand turned into a vine and quietly climbed on the edge of the nest. He lowered the branch and straightened his spouse's soft hair.

Immediately, he turned cold, cut off a vine, buried it at the entrance of the cave, guarded his spouse, and turned around to go down the mountain.


The next day, Lin Konglu woke up early and saw Jiang Ci standing next to the nest where he slept, covered in wounds and exuding a cold aura.

He couldn't help but take a breath, quickly got up from his nest, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Ci didn't speak, just handed him a few steamed buns in silence.

Lin Konglu lowered his head in surprise and looked at Mantou, only then did he know that he had gone down the mountain last night.

He hurriedly took the steamed bun, put it aside, and continued to ask: "Did you go down the mountain? Were you beaten by the villagers? What did you do down the mountain? You..."

Halfway through the question, he saw that Jiang Ci's eyes were red, as if he had cried, and he was slightly startled.

In reality, the male protagonist has a cold personality. He is ruthless and doesn't say much. He can chop down zombies and is as strong as an iron man. Unexpectedly, in the realm of consciousness, after losing memory, I would be beaten and cry in pain?

The contrast is really quite big.

Lin Konglu quickly helped him sit down, and then pulled off all the leaves on the vines on his right until they were bald. Then put all the leaves together, mash them into a paste, and kindly help him apply it on the wound.

Fortunately, although there were many injuries on his body, they were not fatal.

Jiang Ci lowered his eyes slightly and watched his young spouse patiently apply the medicine for him. His brows and eyes were full of worry and seriousness, and he felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

Maybe his spouse likes him a little bit. It seems that the steamed buns are not in vain.

"Okay." Lin Konglu quickly applied the herbal medicine, straightened up, and wiped the fine sweat on his smooth forehead with the back of his hand.

Seeing that Jiang Ci's eyes were still red, he comforted him again: "I've applied the leaves on it, don't cry, it should stop hurting soon."

Jiang Ci: "..."

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