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Although Song Jinzhou strongly opposed it, several professors at the Research Institute thought it was feasible.

First, Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci have been in contact with the broken page for several months, and they have been fine for such a long time. If they just take another look, there is a high probability that... nothing will happen.

Second, the scientific research institute has used various isolation methods and tried to study the broken pages, but to no avail. They really can't think of any other way in the short term. If the remaining pages really record the way to end the apocalypse, then as Jiang Ci said, the content above should be deciphered sooner rather than later.

In addition, Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci also insisted on watching, but Song Jinzhou couldn't resist them in the end and agreed with a dark face.

When everyone got up and went to the isolation room, Fu Rongxin passed by Song Jinzhou and saw that his face was not good. He patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Old Song, don't be too nervous. The two young people walked from Rongcheng to Shuguang Base and then to us, all the way. After experiencing so many dangers, they are not impulsive people, so they must be sure."

Song Jinzhou only nodded his acquaintance with him and maintained a friendly relationship on the surface. Remembering that he had just raised his hand in favor of letting Lin Konglu and the others read the broken pages, his face became even worse and he said, "I'm not your son. You naturally don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk." "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The gentle smile on Fu Rongxin's face froze. After a moment, he turned around and asked the person behind him: "Is one of the two people just now the son of Professor Song?"

Hong Yuanbin frowned and said, "It should be the young man named Lin. I heard Professor Song call him Xiaobao just now. I heard that Professor Song has a lost little son, whose nickname is Xiaobao."

"Oh." Fu Rongxin nodded, thoughtfully.

"But what does this have to do with you, teacher?" Hong Yuanbin felt sorry for him again, "Professor Song is too difficult to get along with. You kindly comforted him and he looked down upon you. No wonder he has a normal relationship with most people in the research institute."

Fu Rongxin coughed lightly and said solemnly: "Don't talk nonsense, Professor Song is talented, but he has an aloof personality."

"What kind of talent is there? Being able to do something that steals the research results of his student Ji Peng. Who knows if it's just an illusion, maybe it's been there before..."

"Yuan Bin!" Fu Rongxin suddenly turned cold and reprimanded: "Don't talk about unfounded things. You are already slandering."

When Hong Yuanbin was scolded by him, he immediately became confused.

Fu Rongxin looked at him again, with a slightly cold expression. After walking out of the conference room, he changed to a gentle expression again.

In the experimental building next door, Lin Konglu and Lin Konglu had already put on protective clothing and walked into the sterile room. The professors and leaders who followed were nervous and wanted to watch them operate through the glass door.

Lin Konglu turned around and saw it, and suggested: "You'd better not look at it, and don't look at it from the surveillance camera."

Judging from Song Jinzhou's description, the infection intensity of the broken page is far greater than that of the insect pattern with three tentacles. If you see it through the glass door, you may also be mentally infected.

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