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When Song Yunwei saw Lin Konglu being held hostage, his expression suddenly changed. He shouted "little deer" and at the same time condensed a white arc of electricity and struck Qin Yu.

Jiang Ci held the metal knife and flashed forward at the same time, but the blade almost hit the electric arc and had to twist around before he managed to avoid it in time.

Qin Yu's face turned pale and he hurriedly shouted to the tall young man beside him: "Xing Zhou!"

Xing Zhou immediately attacked Jiang Ci, and several bodyguards from the Qin family also rushed forward, gathering their armor abilities to block Qin Yu.

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw a carrot flying along a parabola, he didn't take it seriously. He just tightened the knife on Lin Kong Lu's neck a little tighter, forcing the opponent's body to lean back.

"Jiang Ci, let my grandfather go." He emphasized again in a trembling voice.

But at this time, Lin Konglu raised his hand to catch the carrot and said, "I advise you to let me go. Also, you are a human being, why do you have to walk all the way to the zombies to harm people?"

"Shut up!" Qin Yu only thought of him as a dodder who was attached to Jiang Ci. He didn't think he had any abilities at all. His only usefulness was probably to threaten Jiang Ci.

Lin Konglu noticed a slight tingling in his neck and sighed softly. Suddenly, his eyes calmed down, he squeezed the carrot tightly and concentrated hard.

In an instant, the carrot turned into a copper scepter half as tall as a man. The end of the scepter hit Qin Yu's chest, like a huge stone falling down.

Qin Yu was directly knocked away, and his body took a few steps back. If he hadn't used his armor ability to block his heart in time, he might have been directly pierced.

Almost at the same time, the copper carrot on the top of the scepter also shot out filaments like white light, and several of them tightened the daggers. When Qin Yu retreated, he snatched the daggers so that the blade would not hurt Lin Konglu.

Hundreds of other filaments went straight to the corner of the city wall.

Yes, hundreds, not the dozen before.

Since the carrot changed from wood to copper, Lin Konglu had never thought about what was going on. Only when he used it this time did he realize that it had been upgraded.

But I don’t have time to study the reasons right now.

With a condensed expression, he looked at the old monster in the corner who was trying to escape again, and the white light-like filaments pierced the opponent's brain hidden in the heart.

But at this moment, Xing Zhou, who was blocking Jiang Ci, suddenly rushed over and blocked the old monster with his body.

Lin Konglu frowned slightly.

Xing Zhou's actions made no sense. The thin thread penetrated his body and stabbed into the old monster's heart and brain accurately.

But because of his actions, Lin Konglu was silent for a moment and did not immediately withdraw the filament.

The three of them stood still, as if they had become a still painting, with only the filaments emitting soft white light swaying slightly in the night wind.

Everyone looked at the scene in shock. After a moment, someone whispered: "He killed the city lord?"

"No, it doesn't count, does it? They are all zombie monsters, do they still count as the city lord?"

Dressed As Cannon Fodder In An Apocalypse NovelWhere stories live. Discover now