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Jiang Ci wants to take Lin Konglu back to the valley before dark, but the space gate ability given by Tang Yichuan has distance limitations. Currently, he can only flash within a thousand meters.

And halfway through the flash, he suddenly remembered that Song Yunwei was still looking for him in the mountains, so he had to change direction again and go to the agreed meeting point.

Lin Konglu hugged his neck to prevent him from falling due to too fast speed. When he saw this, he asked in confusion: "Why did you change direction?"

Jiang Ci coughed lightly: "Go find Song Yunwei."

I was so happy after finding the little beauty just now that I forgot that my uncle was still looking for her.

Lin Konglu was horrified: Oops, why is Song Yunwei here too?

The ex and the sponsor will meet with him later... hiss.

But something is wrong. Why is Jiang Ci's tone no longer sour? He didn't seem angry either.

He couldn't help but lean forward and tilted his head suspiciously, trying to see the expression on Jiang Ci's face.

But he was on Jiang Ci's back, and this movement made the distance between their faces close instantly, and his thin breath fell on the side of Jiang Ci's face and neck.

Jiang Ci took a breath, then suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked at Lin Konglu with his deep eyes.

Because the distance was too close, his side face almost brushed the tip of Lin Konglu's nose.

Lin Konglu was so startled that he subconsciously leaned back and said "Uh". Then he realized that the distance was too close and hurriedly wanted to explain.

But the next moment, Jiang Ci grabbed the back of his head with one hand, suddenly turned around, and pressed his entire body against the tree.

A slightly cold breath invaded the door instantly. Lin Konglu opened his eyes wide unconsciously, his beautiful eyes filled with astonishment.

His whole body was half suspended in the air, and he could only rely on Jiang Ci and Shu. Only his toes could touch the ground.

Jiang Ci looked at him with dark eyes, which became darker and darker. When he was panicking, he suddenly lowered his head slightly and kissed his forehead softly.

After letting go, Jiang Ci said in a low voice, "Next time if you want to kiss me, just say so."

Lin Konglu's expression was dull, and the next second, his ears suddenly turned red, and he stuttered: "Who, who wants to kiss me?"

Then he pushed him and whispered, "Let go, I want to go by myself."

Jiang Ci said "hmm" and took a step back, letting him go on his own.

Anyway, we are almost at the place we agreed with Song Yunwei.

Lin Konglu's feet landed on the ground, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly walked around him and walked forward.

Jiang Ci followed slowly.

When he thought Song Yunwei was a love rival, he just wanted to get Lin Konglu back quickly, and the method he used was a little impatient.

But now, knowing that Song Yunwei is his future uncle, he is not so impatient. The previous method obviously scared off the little beauty, but it doesn't matter. He can take his time now. After casting the net, the rabbit will never run away.

Speaking of rabbits, Jiang Ci suddenly remembered that Aotian had been silent for a long time.

He hurriedly took out the rabbit from his pocket. Seeing that the rabbit had its eyes tightly closed, he hurriedly patted the rabbit's face and frowned: "Wake up."

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