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Lin Konglu quickly flipped through the experiment log, frowning more and more.

This is not the first time this organization has done this kind of thing. It can be seen from Shen Yao's number 157 that there are at least 156 experimental subjects ahead of him.

Not only that, many numbered mutated animals and plants are not known to have occurred naturally, but were caused by artificial intervention. For example, the mutant number 623 that was transplanted into Shen Yao was a powerful mutant plant that they carefully selected in the mountains and cultivated.

The organization seems to think that by merging powerful mutant plants with powerful people, a new and stronger species can be obtained.

Three years ago, when Shen Yao was dealing with a mutated plant alone, the several rescued researchers thought he had great potential, so they enthusiastically recruited him.

Originally, they did not plan to attack Shen Yao so soon, because Shen Yao's physical fitness is very strong, and the probability of successful fusion is far higher than that of other subjects under observation. They were not willing to let such a good experimental subject go to waste.

They even secretly formulated a physical enhancement plan for Shen Yao, planning to inject Shen Yao with genetic evolution fluid in stages in the name of physical examination to stimulate his potential.

It’s just that the genetic evolution fluid is still in the research stage, so the plan is to schedule it one year later.

But Shen Yao realized that the organization was not normal and suddenly wanted to quit. Those people were naturally reluctant to let him go, so they simply tricked him into coming here and implanted him in advance.

The content in the diary ended when the fusion surgery began. Only half of the specific experimental records were written, and the pages were still stained with blood.

It is estimated that when they were performing the operation, the villagers happened to go to rob them, which led to an accident during the operation and several experimenters died.

Some of the villagers who robbed didn't die for some reason, but they were all frightened. I heard that after they came back, they were so dumb that they couldn't speak. It didn't take long before they turned into zombies and were beaten to death by the villagers.

Considering that people in this organization were trying to extract components from zombies and study genetic evolution fluids, it was probably that the villagers who were robbing them accidentally came across their extracted fluids.

Lin Konglu put down his diary and thought to himself: This is simply a case of evil taking advantage of others.

Shen Yao was the only unlucky person.

I just don’t know why the villagers who didn’t go up the mountain mutated one after another? According to the village chief, those mutated people were beaten to death and thrown into the mountains to appease the anger of the mountain god. There should be no source of infection in the village.

Jiang Ci also read the log and raised his eyes: "With the organization's behavior, the villagers do this, they gather evidence."

He had stayed at the base for a year and had just escaped from the base not long ago, so he was quite familiar with how to infiltrate there.

Lin Konglu quickly told him: "Looking for documents related to the genetic evolution fluid may involve Zhongzhou."

Jiang Ci was surprised and asked, "How do you know?"

Lin Konglu thought to himself: Of course I know, I am from the Third Academy in reality. You could have thought of it, but you lost your memory.

But I don't know how to explain this. Could it be that you tell Jiang Ci that you are not Shen Yao?

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