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Song Yunwei was slightly startled when he heard this. Yes, there are also his parents.

My brother has been missing for more than ten years, and his parents have been at odds over this, but no one has given up looking for him. Now that they have finally found their younger brother, they must be reluctant to let him get married.

Especially his father, who is old-fashioned, defensive and strong. If he knows that his younger brother has been deceived by a boy named Jiang and is pregnant with a child, he must not break Jiang Ci's legs?

Thinking of this, Song Yunwei suddenly felt happy, and his eyes became kind when looking at Jiang Ci's back.


Jiang Ci suddenly took the initiative to hold Lin Konglu's hand, looking a little surprised. He walked to the stone house with Lin Konglu, his eyes slightly lowered.

Since Song Yunwei broke up with him before the end of the world, except for pretending to be sleepwalking at night, Xiaolu has never taken the initiative to get close to him, but today he was comforting and holding hands.

It seems that the method of these two days is effective, and the advantage of recognizing a cheap cub is also revealed... Although the cub is not his, the fawn will be his sooner or later.

Besides, it's just a little kid that hasn't been born yet. It's not like he can't afford to raise it, so he just accepts it.

And seeing that he was Zaizai's other father, Song Yunwei had no reason to stop him from being with Xiaolu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ci suddenly felt that there were actually many benefits to recognizing a cheap kid.

He felt relaxed, and from the corner of his eye he glanced at Lin Konglu's waist, which was much softer, as if he really regarded Zaizai as his own.

Lin Konglu stood next to the stone house and turned around. Seeing that he had been staring at her distractedly, he couldn't help but wave his hand in front of him and asked strangely: "What are you thinking about?"

Jiang Ci suddenly came to his senses, quickly looked away from him, coughed lightly and said, "It's nothing."

Lin Konglu's eyes were suspicious, but he had no time to ask more questions. He only said seriously: "On the night of the blood moon, that is, the night when the virus broke out, did you go to Rongcheng Villa to find me?"

The system said that the child was conceived that night, so it must have been Jiang Qi's fault. Otherwise, he would never have been able to conceive the other person's baby through the air.

Jiang Ci was slightly startled when he heard this. He had indeed seen Lin Kong Lu during the day. At that time, he specially bought a plane ticket to fly from City A to Rongcheng in order to win back the other party.

But the beautiful girl was adamant about breaking up and the words she said were unpleasant. He felt embarrassed and angrily said, "Then we'll never see each other again." Then he bought a ticket and planned to go back to City A.

Later, he fell asleep at the airport, and when he woke up... he hugged the little beauty and slept on the bed in the villa in Rongcheng.

Jiang Ci's eyes flashed slightly. He didn't know what was going on at that time, because he had just been humiliated during the day and had just said "never see you again". At night, he went to sleep with her again, still in the villa of his "love rival" , he felt that his face was shameless, and before the little beauty woke up, he left in a panic and hurriedly took a plane back to City A.

Later, he learned that he could sleepwalk, and he immediately understood that he must have been sleepwalking that night.

But why did the pretty girl suddenly mention this matter? Do you want to remind him that you just said such cruel words as "never see you again" but secretly went back to look for him at night?

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