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Major Chen stared closely at the spiritual imprint left by Lin Konglu and meditated: If he is really the god recorded in the fragmentary pages, our spiritual beliefs should be able to enhance his power.

Just as the evil god gains strength by infecting people, the savior must also gain strength from his followers.

As long as they all follow him and believe in him, as long as they all follow faith...

Major Chen recited silently in his mind, and when other people who were frightened saw this, they also followed suit, and their hearts gradually calmed down. At the moment, they don't know that this is actually a disguised form of concentrating one's spiritual power on one person.

Just like water droplets joining together to form a river, a little adds up to a lot.

However, others don't know that Shen Huo, as a person who has awakened his spiritual ability and was once a sage, almost completely degenerated and became a servant of the evil god, knows very well in his heart that the spiritual conversion of the infected can indeed make the infection The person’s mental strength is enhanced.

Yes, he has noticed that Lin Konglu, like the evil god, is a god-level creature with the ability to mentally infect other creatures.

Now they stare at the spiritual mark left by Lin Konglu and pray devoutly, gradually becoming obsessed with Linkonglu. Conversion and worship is the process of being infected by the spirit.

But other than that, is there any other way? It is better to be infected by the god of their planet than to be infected and swallowed by the evil god.

Shen Huo lowered his eyes, and after a moment, he said to Song Yunwei, who was still holding the rabbit: "If you can contact other bases, tell them to pray to the spiritual mark as much as possible and place their spiritual power on the mark."

Song Yunwei instantly understood what he meant, handed the rabbit to him, and said, "Okay, I'll go talk to He Yang."

After giving the rabbit to Shen Huo, he hurried to find He Yang.

Outside, Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci had already walked out of the steps leading to the underground and walked to the ground.

The golden morning sun shone on them, bringing a little warmth.

But soon, the giant feet above noticed their appearance and slowly moved towards them.

It was an extremely huge black shadow that stretched across the sky ahead, like a steel behemoth with no end in sight.

If you get close, you can see the hairs on the giant feet that look like steel brushes.

Almost the moment he looked at him, Jiang Ci suffered a powerful mental attack. He covered his head in pain, and the vines around him grew rapidly.

Lin Kong's waist and legs were trapped by him, but he used the vines to slowly rise up to mid-air.

He raised his hand and turned the staff. In an instant, the crystal-clear body of the staff was surrounded by holy white light. Billions of pure white filaments spread out, extending in all directions at the speed of light. In the blink of an eye, they spread over the entire world, covering the planet and the world. The giant bugs lying on the star were all shrouded.

Under the cover of this powerful but gentle spiritual power, countless mutated creatures stopped degenerating, and countless driven zombies and monsters stopped walking towards the body of the evil god.

Jiang Ci also regained consciousness in an instant. When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Konglu entangled with vines.

The other party's hair color completely turned silver-white, like thin strands of purity spreading out. Holding the scepter in his hand, he was lifted into the air by the vines, bathed in the holy white light and rising sun, as sacred as a god.

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