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"It's pointless to be self-involved like this." Lin Konglu accidentally expressed his true feelings and simply advised sincerely, "Every time you practice, it's your own body. You have a split personality, not a split body."

Jiang Ci was caught competing with him. A trace of unnaturalness appeared on Qingjun's face. He coughed lightly and said, "Who said it's about practicing muscle memory? Since it's a split personality, the body is always me, so the power used should be the same, but Another personality can inspire more, but I can't for the time being. I was trying to inspire just now."

Lin Konglu was slightly surprised when he heard this and thought: You are so smart, you have thought of all this.

That's right, Jiang Ci's strength far exceeds that of the awakened people at the same time, because he is reborn and his soul has the powerful power of his previous life.

He just has a split personality, his soul has not changed. It's just that after rebirth, the memories of both personalities are incomplete. One has fragmented memories, and the other has no memories of past lives at all.

But from beginning to end, he was still the same Jiang Ci who was reborn from his previous life. It made no sense that after his split personality, he could only use that power at night and not during the day.

The reason why Jiang Ci couldn't use it in front of him was probably because he had no memory of his past life, didn't remember the time when he was the Zombie Emperor, let alone the powerful power he possessed, so he couldn't use it.

However, this is only the information provided by Lin Konglu's system, and it has yet to be verified. He originally wanted to find an opportunity to remind Jiang Ci, but Jiang Ci thought of it first.


Have you arrived? ” he asked.

He Yang frowned and spoke first: "I'm afraid it's difficult. When the base was built, I already led people to search all the cities where supplies could be searched. Those that were not searched were basically too dangerous, or there were no supplies to search for."

Lin Konglu was in trouble after hearing this. He had just become the leader and encountered a food crisis.

Alas, when he first came here, he couldn't eat. He ate carrots and potatoes every day and went out to dig wild vegetables. Unexpectedly, almost four months had passed and I was stumped by the same problem again.

The key is that one person can dig wild vegetables even if he doesn't have enough food to eat. The 100,000 people can't dig wild vegetables if they don't have enough food, and besides, there aren't that many wild vegetables to dig for.

"Is there a map of nearby cities?" He asked again, "How about we do more research, pick a city that we haven't searched before, and get over the current difficulty first."

"No need." Jiang Ci suddenly said.

Several people looked at him.

Jiang Ci's eyes were focused, and he turned the pen in his hand and said: "Zhongzhou has large-scale grain reserve warehouses in some larger cities, which can at least feed a city of millions of people for one to three years. Cloud City, which is closest to the base, has A large granary, I know the location."

Cen Bin was surprised when he heard this: "Captain Jiang actually knows this?"

It is normal to know that there are granaries, but not many people will know the specific location before the end of the world.

Song Yunwei: "His grandfather was in business before the end of the world, involving food."

Lin Konglu: "?"

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