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The fact that Lin Konglu woke up was not kept secret for too long. Song Yunwei, Shen Huo, He Yang and others all sent people to keep an eye on the building covered with vines.

When they noticed that the vines suddenly disappeared, the people who were watching immediately reported the situation to the three of them.

He Yang hurriedly led people into the building to check, and found that there was no one in the room, and his heart suddenly sank.

It's scary enough that these two people haven't eaten or drank for a week, and now they suddenly disappeared. Could something have happened?

Of course, Lin Konglu was obviously no longer an ordinary human being, and it was hard to say whether he was still a human being or not. Moreover, he was in a deep sleep state, so he should be fine if he didn't eat or drink for a week. But Jiang Ci...

He Yang had no time to think too much and hurriedly contacted Song Yunwei and Song Jinzhou.

When Song Yunwei received the news about her, he also received reports from the people sent to follow her at almost the same time.

He reacted very quickly. He thought of Lin Zaizai immediately and hurriedly turned around and ran back to the room. His hand almost trembled as he held the door handle and pushed the door open.

Hearing the noise, the two people standing by the window slowly turned around. The sun shines in through the window, and against the light, the two of them seem to be standing in a hazy halo, unable to see clearly.

However, Song Yunwei felt extremely familiar. Her eyes instantly became moist and red, and she clenched her fists tightly to restrain her uncontrollable excitement.

After a long while, he finally couldn't hold it back anymore and scolded him: "Why didn't you tell us that you were safe when you woke up?"

After saying that, he saw Jiang Ci holding Lin Zai Zai in his arms and said, "That's right, remember to come and see Zai Zai."

It seems a bit normal.

In fact, Jiang Ci was not normal. He was still affected by Lin Konglu's mental imprint, and he couldn't help but want to monopolize the other person crazily, and always imprisoned the other person in his arms.

But his reason told him that he couldn't do this, at least not in front of outsiders. He could only use vines to sneak into Lin Konglu's clothes and wrap them around his wrists and ankles. The touch transmitted through the vines comforted the extreme emptiness and loss in his heart.

Fortunately, Lin Konglu knew his situation well and allowed him to pester him.

As for bringing Zaizai over, it was purely because he didn't want Lin Konglu to carry him. He knew this was wrong, but he really couldn't control it.

After knowing that Lin Konglu had woken up, Song Jinzhou and his wife, Shen Huo, He Yang, Zhao Zhouzhi and brothers Xingbai and Xingmo all came over soon.

The residence, which was not spacious to begin with, instantly became more crowded, especially when everyone looked at them excitedly and expressed concern.

Just looking at him, looking at Lin Konglu... made him very unbearable, and the desire for exclusivity in his heart almost turned into violence. The vines couldn't help but get entangled more and more, and his face became worse and worse.

Knowing that he was uncomfortable, Lin Konglu hurriedly comforted him, squeezed his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll always be here."

Jiang Ci pursed his lips and tried his best to endure it.

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