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Jiang Ci knew that Lin Konglu was thin-skinned and didn't like the matter being mentioned, so he immediately shut up.

Lin Konglu snorted angrily when he saw this, passed him, and looked for Zhao Xingmo with a sullen face.

Regarding the boy in white clothes, he wanted to inquire about it to see if it had something to do with Uncle Zhao and the others. But it was not easy to ask Uncle Zhao directly about this matter, so he planned to ask Zhao Xingmo.

Zhao Xingmo walked to the stone house with him, looking a little puzzled: "Xiaolu, why on earth must it be so mysterious?"

Lin Konglu organized his words and said carefully, "Xingmo, I met a person who looks exactly like you in the deep forest..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Xingmo was stunned for a moment, then his face turned pale, and his hand unconsciously tightened his grip on the rabbit.

The rabbit's ears were pinched in pain, and he couldn't help but let out a "ouch".

"Sorry, sorry..." Zhao Xingmo hurriedly let go of his hand, looking a little dazed.

The rabbit originally wanted to turn around and scratch him, but when he saw him like this, he retracted his paws in frustration and said, "Forget it, good rabbits don't fight with people."

Then he kicked off his legs and jumped onto Lin Kong Lu.

Linkong Lu patted its short tail and said, "Go find your third brother."

Rabbit's little face was full of resentment: "Brother, you have changed. You favor third brother now. Did something happen to you when I became mentally retarded?"

"Go, go." Lin Konglu directly gave the carrot to it and stuffed it into the space.

Then he looked at Zhao Xingmo.

Zhao Xingmo suddenly grabbed the arm at his side tightly, his eyes were slightly red, as if he was about to cry, and asked tightly: "Where is he? I mean, the person you saw..."

Lin Konglu hurriedly comforted him, told him the general situation, and said that the other party stayed in the deep forest and did not want to come over.

Zhao Xingmo was so anxious that he bit his nails, like an ant on a hot pot, and kept saying: "No, I have to tell dad, no, no, I can't tell him, I should go and find him first..."

Lin Konglu asked him to calm down first: "He deliberately avoided us and didn't want to come over. Jiang Ci didn't even find him, so it would be useless if you went there. But don't worry, I left him a note. If he changes his mind, he will go Wait for us at the foot of the mountain."

After finishing speaking, he paused and then asked tentatively: "Xing Mo, he, you and Uncle Zhao..."

Zhao Xingmo fell into silence. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice with red eyes: "I have another brother..."

Lin Konglu opened his eyes slightly, exhaled silently, and thought to himself: Sure enough.

"His name is Zhao Xingbai, and we are twins." Zhao Xingmo continued, his voice very soft, "I don't remember much about my childhood, but I vaguely remember that my brother was very good to me and would change..."

His eyes were confused for a moment, as if he couldn't remember clearly. He hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "I can do magic, and make mushrooms to entertain me."

mushroom? Lin Konglu frowned slightly, a little strange.

"I was in poor health when I was a child. My father was always very gentle to me, but he was more strict with my brother. He was not allowed to do this or that. Later, our family lived in a white house..."

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