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Lin Konglu looked helpless and quickly made up his mind: "I am comforting him."

Lion-eared man: "..." Well, it doesn't have to be so direct.

However, he could see that he had come at the wrong time, so he quickly said "Come back next time" and ran away.

Jiang Ci looked at him running away with cold eyes. After a long while, he looked away. Seeing Lin Kong Lu was also watching, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth: "A pair of furry ears are cute?"

Lin Konglu quickly looked away with an innocent expression: Do you still need to ask? this is not……

"Of course!" A yawning voice suddenly came from behind.

Then a pair of furry, pure white long ears slowly stood up behind Linkong Lu's head. One of the ears even twitched, as if Linkong Lu suddenly grew a pair of rabbit ears. With his expression at this moment, he was particularly soft and cute. innocent.

Jiang Ci's breathing stagnated slightly and he stared blankly at the young man in front of him.

The next second, the rabbit's head was exposed, lying on the deer's head in the forest, raising its three-petal mouth, and said proudly: "How about third brother, isn't it cute?"

Jiang Ci: "..."

With a dark face, he grabbed the rabbit and said disgustedly: "Go and play."

Then Daheng picked up Lin Konglu and jumped out of the car.

After standing firm, he supported Lin Konglu and helped her arrange her clothes. He couldn't hold it back, but suddenly he whispered in his ear: "It's really cute."

Lin Konglu's ears were slightly red: "..." It was inexplicable.

He glanced at Jiangci pretending to be calm, and then looked at Zhao Xingbai who was standing not far away, still hesitating whether to step forward.

"What's the matter, Xingbai?" he walked over and asked.

Zhao Xingbai came back to his senses, said softly "Uh", and said hesitantly: "My brother is awake, he..."

Lin Konglu immediately understood what he meant and said, "I'll go see him."

Zhao Xingbai was obviously relieved and nodded gratefully.

The two walked to the medical car where Zhao Xingmo lived. When they looked up, they saw Zhao Xingmo standing at the car door, staring into the distance.


"younger brother."

Lin Konglu and Zhao Xingbai spoke at the same time, one to say hello and the other to shout, both with happy tones.

Zhao Xingmo came back to his senses, as if he couldn't believe what he saw. He blinked to make sure it was not an illusion. Finally, he couldn't restrain his joy. He jumped out of the car and hugged Zhao Xingbai hard. His eyes were moist and his voice was choked: "Brother, you It’s okay, I’m not dead either, that’s great.”

Except when he was a child, Zhao Xingbai had never been hugged so intimately. He was at a loss for a moment, and his expression went blank for a moment. After a while, he came back to his senses, stiffly patted his brother on the back, said "Hmm" and said, "It's Xiaolu who saved me." us."

Without him having to say anything, Zhao Xingmo could also imagine that the scene he saw before he fell into coma was not an illusion. Brother Xiaolu and Captain Jiang really came to save him.

He let go of Zhao Xingbai, and was so excited that he wanted to hug Lin Konglu tightly, but as soon as he opened his arm, he was blocked by a long metal knife.

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