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The man in white holding a giant scythe is not very old and looks to be about the same age as Lin Konglu.

His wrist holding the giant scythe was thin, his face was pale and handsome, and his whole person showed a morbid fragility, but his eyes were like inorganic glass, without any emotion.

What surprised Lin Konglu the most was that he had a face exactly like Zhao Xingmo. If it weren't for the different clothes and the strange and alienated look in his eyes, Lin Konglu would have almost shouted "Xing Mo" directly.

But the next second, he saw the hand of the man in white holding the giant scythe move slightly. His expression did not contain murderous intent, but it was obviously a prelude to killing.

The other party wants to kill him, and like a machine without emotions, his emotions will not fluctuate before killing him.

Lin Konglu's heart tightened. Maybe it was because he was more focused at the moment and still sensed the danger in advance. He even saw the giant scythe slowly rotating through the slow-motion picture, and the blade was cold.

Without even thinking about it, he immediately shouted: "Xingmo!"

His expression and tone were full of surprise, and his acting skills soared instantly.

The young man holding the giant scythe was startled, his movements slightly paused, and he still looked at him emotionlessly.

Lin Konglu didn't know whether the danger had been eliminated, but this man looked exactly the same as Zhao Xingmo, and he was probably related to Zhao Xingmo in some way.

Now he has no carrot in his hand, and with only the crossbow, he is definitely no match for the opponent. So, let's pretend to recognize the other party as Zhao Xingmo and see if we can find a turning point.

If you want to act, just act like it. Lin Konglu secretly gritted his teeth, took a tentative step forward, and pretended to be surprised: "Xingmo, why are you here? You were also teleported here? Where are Jiang Ci and the others?"

The man in white looked at him silently, without answering or moving. He still held the giant scythe tightly in his hand, as if he would attack again at any time.

The smile on Lin Konglu's face froze slightly, then turned to confusion, and he asked confusedly: "Xingmo? You..."

Before he finished speaking, the vines on the giant tree behind him suddenly scurried out like snakes and instantly wrapped around his body, tightening and dragging him into the air.

Lin Konglu panicked, dropped the crossbow in his hand, and subconsciously protected his lower abdomen.

There was a row of small mushrooms growing on the dead wood beside the boy in white, which suddenly began to stir uneasily.

The boy's hand that was not holding the knife brushed the mushroom, and the mushroom became silent for an instant. Then he raised his eyes and saw Lin Konglu subconsciously protecting his abdomen. His inorganic eyes finally moved, and there was a trace of emotion.

Suddenly, he turned the giant scythe with his thin wrist, and the cold blade was like the wind, and instantly struck in the direction of Lin Kong Lu.

Lin Konglu's heart tightened, thinking that the blade was coming towards him. He closed his eyes in a hurry and thought quickly about a solution... But it didn't work, this didn't work, that didn't work, it was too late, and he couldn't move. Could it be that this time it was really a desperate situation? ?

Just when he was worried, he suddenly noticed a cold light passing over his head. Immediately afterwards, the vines were cut off neatly, and his body relaxed and fell instantly.

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