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Lin Konglu's face turned pale with pain. He looked up and saw that Jiang Ci was even more panicked than him. He was speechless, but slowly calmed down.

"If that doesn't work, why don't you change your personality?" He said quietly with a pale face.

Jiang Ci: "..."

How can you say no at this time?

He quickly calmed down, gritted his teeth, picked up Lin Konglu, and walked quickly back to the temple.

Song Yunwei and Shen Huo followed closely behind.

Lin Konglu was placed on the bed, and Jiang Ci began to feel at a loss again. What should he do next?

Professor Gu, who had experience in delivering babies to men before, said he wanted to do an autopsy. Song Jinzhou also taught him how to perform an autopsy, but when? Cut off now?

But it’s been less than ten months, and there’s no equipment check, just in case I’m not going to give birth...

"What should we do? What should we do next?" Song Yunwei spoke first.

He was still talking about Jiang Ci just now, but now he is extremely anxious.

It would be great if Song Jinzhou was here. It's a shame that he didn't listen to the old man and study medicine.

In the end, Shen Huo calmed down first and commanded: "Go to the experimental base left by the organization. There is an operating room there. In addition, Yang Tianning went to find a doctor to prepare for an autopsy."

Song Yunwei seemed to have found his backbone now, and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, Jiang Ci knows how to perform autopsy, and Jiang Ci has practiced it."

After speaking, he turned to look at Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci gritted his teeth and picked up Lin Konglu again, and rushed to the experimental base in a flash.

Lin Konglu was so painful that he was sweating all over his head. His slightly damp hair was stuck to his snow-white cheeks. His thin white fingers tightly grasped the skirt of Jiang Ci's clothes and said with difficulty: "I don't want another doctor, just... you will do the dissection."

It's not that he has any sense of shame at the moment and doesn't want others to see it, but there are really no doctors in Wuwang City, even fewer obstetricians, and he has never seen a man pregnant.

After all, Jiang Ci had studied with Professor Gu, who had experience in delivering babies, and under the guidance of Song Jinzhou, he had rich practical experience in dissecting zombies.

The doctor Yang Tianning invited will arrive soon.

When the other party saw Lin Konglu, he didn't have time to be surprised that he was a man. He was surprised and said: "This is more than seven months?"

This is too small, it looks like six months. No wonder the Holy Son couldn't see his figure at all when he was wearing a cloak.

Seeing such a small belly, the doctor was a little afraid to operate, so he only gave anesthesia and then assisted Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci clenched the scalpel, took a deep breath, looked at Lin Konglu's soft and white belly, and his fingers suddenly trembled again.

Such soft skin, but he has to use such a sharp knife...

Jiang Ci was extremely flustered.

After Lin Konglu was anesthetized, the pain was gone. Seeing that he was still motionless, he asked quietly: "How about you change your personality?"

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