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Before the test results came out, Jiang Ci could not move around at will. Lin Konglu decided to go to see Fu Rongxin alone with the people from the special operations team.

Jiang Ci was worried, so he called Song Yunwei and asked him to accompany him.

Fu Rongxin seems to be a weak professor, but the person who organized it may not be that simple. Jiang Ci also learned from his experience, and repeatedly told Lin Konglu not to take it lightly.

Lin Konglu thought he was right and nodded obediently.

Seeing that he was so obedient, Jiang Ci couldn't help but want to hug him into his arms. Since the people from the special operations group were still there, he endured it again and again, and finally just raised his hand to rub his soft hair.

Before Lin Konglu left, he also told him to restrain himself and not lose control again.

"If you feel like you can't control yourself any longer, enter the realm of consciousness and look at the mental imprint I've carved for you." He winked at Jiang Ci and whispered.

Jiang Ci: "..."

He didn't know whether Vine would be unable to restrain himself, but if the little beauty continued to flirt, he would really be unable to restrain himself.


The scientific research institute has a temporary emergency hospital, and Fu Rongxin was placed on the third floor of the emergency hospital.

When Lin Konglu and the people from the special operations team arrived on the third floor, Song Yunwei arrived just in time and asked hurriedly: "Am I not late?"

Lin Konglu shook his head, said hello to him, and then looked at the people in the special operations team.

The leader understood, and immediately walked to Ward 304, knocked on the door, opened the door, and invited Lin Konglu to come in.

Lin Konglu's expression turned serious instantly, he squeezed the carrot in his pocket and walked over with Song Yunwei.

As soon as they stepped into the ward, they smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.

Fu Rongxin was lying on the hospital bed, his face pale, his lips chapped due to blood loss, and his abdomen and shoulders were wrapped with gauze, which oozed a little red.

Hearing the footsteps, he opened his eyes slightly, touched the glasses on the bedside and put them on. When he saw it was Lin Konglu, he smiled and said, "It's you."

Seeing that Lin Konglu didn't speak, he seemed to be well-intentioned and advised sincerely: "Is there still a life in your body? Is it the plant monster? He may lie to you and say you are pregnant, but I advise you to get checked. , you will find that the so-called child you thought was probably a little plant monster living in your body."

Upon hearing this, several people in the special operations team immediately became nervous, and their eyes fell on Lin Konglu involuntarily.

Song Yunwei was even more shocked and looked at Lin Konglu worriedly.

Lin Konglu suddenly took out the carrot in his pocket, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "I apply to interrogate Professor Fu now."

Several people in the action team were stunned when they heard this, and said hesitantly: "This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Although Professor Fu is accused of being a member of that organization, there is currently no evidence. According to regulations, at most he can only be questioned, not interrogated.

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