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Walking in the corridor of the laboratory, Zhao Xingbai was slightly behind Zhao Xingmo by half a shoulder distance. He gripped a giant scythe that was as tall as a person, tilted his head and asked, "Brother, why are you in the laboratory? The other people here..."

He frowned slightly as he spoke, and no matter how slow he was, he noticed something was wrong at this moment.

After being captured back to the laboratory, he tried to escape many times, but all failed. Therefore, the laboratory strengthened its security. It should not be like now, and no one could be seen in the corridor.

And my brother, how did he get in? What's with the mushrooms on his face? Why is your hair turning white?

Zhao Xingbai had a simple personality and had doubts in his heart, so he asked directly.

Only then did Zhao Xingmo realize that his terrifying appearance had been seen by his brother, and he hurriedly raised his hands to cover his face. But the next moment, he realized that there were black mushrooms on the back of his hands, as well as the ugly scars left after the mushrooms were pulled out. , and then awkwardly pulled up his sleeves to cover the back of his hands.

"Zhongzhou and Xizhou jointly encircled this base, so I came in with my companions during the chaos." He said in a low voice, without explaining the mushroom growing on his face, and then added: "Brother, let's leave quickly, wait a moment People from outside came in."

Saying this, he grabbed Zhao Xingbai's wrist and hurried to the elevator.

Zhao Xingbai stood without moving much, still looking carefully at the mushrooms on his face.

Zhao Xingmo paused, then suddenly thought of something and said, "Oh, yes, we still need to save other experimental subjects."

Then he asked Zhao Xingbai: "Brother, are all the experimental subjects locked up on this floor? Do you know how to open the doors of these laboratories?"

Zhao Xingbai shook his head and said slowly: "No hurry, I'll take you out first and come back to rescue them later."

Zhao Xingmo was anxious: "No, the ground troops from the central base have entered the base and started street fighting. They will be here soon. We have to hurry up."

Zhao Xingbai still shook his head and asked him belatedly: "Dad...are you okay?"

Zhao Xingmo's anxious expression was startled, his eyes dimmed instantly, and he said in a muffled voice: "I, I don't know. When I left, he was still in a coma. Now... he should, he should be healed soon."

He panicked, fearing that Zhao Xingbai would be sad.

When Zhao Xingbai heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then repeated: "I'll send you out first."

After a pause, he whispered again: "You will take good care of dad from now on."

Zhao Xingmo was about to say that he would not leave first, but he was startled when he heard this, and finally realized that something was wrong.

But at this moment, Zhao Xingbai suddenly grabbed his arm, blocked him behind him, and quickly rushed towards the corridor ahead.

Just when he stepped into a certain area, sensor weapons suddenly appeared on the ceiling of the corridor and fired at them wildly. The floor tiles on the ground also began to move, and a moving light network formed by lasers appeared between the walls on both sides.

You know, you can't touch those nets, they will be cut if they touch your body

Zhao Xingmo's face turned pale, and what shocked him even more was that, standing behind Zhao Xingbai, he discovered that there was an arm-wide wound on the other person's back, with "blood" flowing from the laboratory just now.

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