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Lin Konglu felt a little guilty. He had to admit that he thought the black collar matched Jiang Ci who was wearing black combat uniform, so he put it on secretly. He didn't really want to see the degree of degradation.

The fact is indeed that wearing a uniform with a collar is deserted and abstinent.

Lin Konglu took a peek and explained seriously: "I heard from Major Chen that this is a new technology developed by the Central Base, and I wanted to give it to you to try."

Jiang Ci leaned over and stared at his extremely innocent eyes for a while, then suddenly said: "When you lie, you always open your eyes unconsciously and act very innocent."

Lin Konglu: "Uh." Is there any?

His eyes began to wander.

Jiang Ci could see clearly what he was wearing around his neck from the reflection in his eyes, his eyes darkened, and suddenly another hand wrapped around his waist and took him into the car behind him.

Lin Konglu: "!"

As the car door slammed shut, he began to panic.

You Qi's body was pressed on the seat, and when he raised his head and met a pair of dark eyes, he hurriedly reminded: "Well, this is equivalent to being on a battlefield, there are people outside, you, you... just calm down. "

Jiang Ci's eyes were dark. The hand that had just held his waist was now supporting the seat, with his figure looming above him. The other hand was still squeezing his hand that wanted to touch the collar just now.

He leaned closer, grabbed Lin Konglu's hand and moved it towards him, lowering his eyes and saying, "But I think you seem to want it very much."

His voice was low, and Lin Konglu's hand was pressed on his neck. His thin white fingers touched the black leather, and then touched his Adam's apple, feeling the slight vibration when he spoke.

His fingertips trembled slightly. When he heard the second half of Jiang Ci's words, his fair face turned red and his ears felt hot. He pulled back his hands and quibbled in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense. This is a technological product. It detects the degeneration value." "It's your own fault, I didn't..." I want to see it.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Ci suddenly lowered his head and kissed his lips, which were harder than a duck's mouth when he spoke, but also tasted unusually soft.

In the cramped space, the air seemed to be stagnant, and then gradually heated up.

Suddenly, the car window was knocked twice.

Lin Konglu suddenly came to his senses, his ears felt hot, and he hurriedly pushed Jiang Ci away.

Jiang Ci coughed lightly, helped him straighten his slightly messy clothes, then sat back on the seat, turned around and lowered the window.

"What happened?" He looked calm as if nothing happened just now.

The person knocking on the car window was a young man whom neither of them had seen before. He was wearing a white lab coat. He should be the experimental subject who had just been rescued.

He was a little thin and had a shy smile. He was embarrassed to ask, "Are they Mr. Lin Konglu and Captain Jiang Ci?"

Jiang Ci nodded for Lin Konglu: "We are."

The young man seemed to be slightly relieved and explained: "My name is Yan Xiaochuan, and I am the experimental subject that you just rescued. Major Chen said that the team is about to leave, so I will help inform you."

When he said this, he looked past Jiang Ci and took a cautious look at Lin Konglu.

Jiang Ci nodded and said, "Okay, tell Major Chen, I understand."

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