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After hearing what the white coat said, Zhao Zhouzhi's face turned pale and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

When he was young, he loved adventure. Once he accidentally lost his way in the jungle and ran out of food, so he could only pick wild fruits and wild mushrooms to satisfy his hunger.

Coincidentally, the Global Special Incident Management Association has an experimental base in that mountain forest, and the white coat in front of me is the professor at that base who studies mutant mushrooms, his surname is Dai.

Originally, all failed products developed in the experimental base should be destroyed immediately, but one of Professor Dai's experimenters was negligent and did not pay attention when destroying a batch of failed products. He missed a mushroom and fell into the trash can.

After the mushrooms were dumped, they left the base, were blown by the wind, pecked by birds, and somehow rolled to a nearby moist stream, where they were mixed with other normal wild mushrooms.

Zhao Zhouzhi was trapped in the jungle for several days and was so hungry that he was dizzy. When he saw a piece of non-poisonous mushroom by the stream, he immediately grabbed it and wolfed it down without caring about anything else.

At that time, he was so hungry that he even gnawed leaves and bark. He had no energy to think about anything else, let alone the tools to make a fire. He just swallowed the mushroom from the laboratory.

The mushroom died long ago, but the two spores it left behind revived in Zhao Zhouzhi's body, merged with Zhao Zhouzhi's human genes, and gradually grew into embryos.

Zhao Zhou was later discovered by people at the experimental base, and naturally it was discovered that he was a man but pregnant with a child.

Professor Dai was very interested in him and almost immediately confirmed after the examination that the child he was carrying was related to the mutated mushrooms studied at the experimental base.

He was sure that Zhao Zhouzhi stole his experimental mushrooms and used this as an excuse to keep people at the base for observation and research.

Zhao Zhouzhi couldn't argue. In fact, even if he could explain clearly, those people would not let him go. As if they had discovered a new direction, they excitedly began to use human bodies to cultivate spores, but without exception they failed and instead developed a bunch of parasitic mushrooms.

Zhao Zhouzhi had seen the miserable state of those parasitized people in the laboratory. Their limbs were like dead wood, their eyes were lifeless, and their bodies were covered with mushrooms.

He once felt guilty and thought that this was all his fault. If he hadn't appeared near the base and eaten mushrooms, the experimenters at the base would not have thought of such a crazy method.

Later, when Professor Dai saw that the projects of cultivating spores from human bodies had failed, he came up with the idea of ​​cultivating spores on Zhao Zhouzhi again.

Zhao Zhouzhi still feels extremely painful when he thinks about the experience of having his skin cut open and spores implanted. Fortunately, there were two little beings in his body. These two beings seemed to be very domineering. All the implanted spores were devoured by them without exception, and instead they protected Zhao Zhouzhi.

Professor Dai tried several times without success, and gradually gave up the idea and began to wait patiently for Zhao Zhouzhi's child to be born. This gave Zhao Zhouzhi a chance to breathe, and it was during this time that he successfully escaped from the laboratory.

But during the escape, the child was born. That day, he hid in a cave in panic, and happened to meet Professor Gu and his assistant who were investigating in the mountains and came to take shelter from the rain.

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