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Lin Konglu's beautiful eyes were filled with anger, but he quickly calmed down.

Impossible, Zaizai is at Dawn Base.

Outside the base, there are Shen Yao, who can cover the entire city with rotten vines, and Tang Yichuan, who has the ability to move in space. There are He Yang, Zhao Xingbai and others in the base. It is impossible for a broken organization that has been crippled to abduct Zaizai from Shuguang Base.

Although Yan Wangchuan's ability is a bit special, the other party has been traveling with them and has no time to rob Zaizai.

Even if he was really robbed by them, it was impossible for Shuguang Base not to report him. When Zhou Yi came to Wuwang City, didn't he pass by Shuguang Base?

Lin Konglu kept comforting himself in his heart, his hands gradually stopped shaking, and his face began to calm down.

Yan Wangchuan seemed to have guessed what he was thinking. He chuckled and said slowly: "Do you think he is fake and that the image I created is deceiving you?

"Hoho, that rotten vine monster outside the Dawn Base is Shen Yao, right? There is also an awakened zombie named Tang Yichuan. It's really good. They were all trained by my men. But unfortunately, they are all too weak to be attacked.

"As for the two mushrooms in the base, there are a few birds, a few fish, and even ants, they are not as good as Shen Yao. Or do you think you can't make it in time? Is it possible that when you attacked the organization headquarters, my people also During the raid on Dawn Base? That's why you could take down the headquarters so easily because I had already withdrawn the elites. What is this called? Stealing each other's homes?

"But there is nothing we can do. After all, the power of the god recorded on the broken page is now divided into three parts. One part is on you, one part is on Jiang Ci, and the last part is on this little bastard. So no matter what , I have to catch him, even if it means sacrificing the organization’s headquarters.”

Lin Konglu's pupils tightened, his hand holding the scepter became harder and harder, and his knuckles turned white.

"Still don't believe it?" Yan Wangchuan smiled leisurely, "Why don't we take a gamble? Your son is very cute. How about I ask the people in the room to cut off a section of his arm and show it to you to see if it's true? Fake--"

"Yan Wangchuan!" Lin Konglu interrupted sharply, every syllable filled with anger.

His body was shaking uncontrollably, and he said every word with a chill: "You really pissed me off."

Yan Wangchuan looked surprised and raised his eyes slightly: "Oh, you know my name?"

Lin Konglu: "I also knew you were going to die today!"

As he spoke, he turned the scepter in his hand, and countless filaments flew out, piercing Yan Wangchuan's body and piercing the screen behind him.

In an instant, the screen and the entire villa collapsed like a mirror image.

Lin Konglu's feet fell into the air, and he fell into the abyss.

Yan Wangchuan's body regrouped and he stood on the edge of the abyss, looking at his falling figure with a smile: "Be angry, anger is the best nourishment for degeneration."

Lin Konglu breathed a sigh of relief, his bet was right, and it turned out to be a lie.

The previous analysis was correct.

Fortunately, Zaizai must still be at Shuguang Base.

He closed his eyes and suddenly lost strength, almost unable to hold the scepter.

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