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Seeing the anger of the people, Lu Lin's last support was gone. He was completely panicked and said angrily to the mercenaries: "Why don't you think of a solution quickly?"

The mercenaries were all tied up tightly with vines by Jiang Ci. If they dared to move even slightly, their throats might be pierced by the branches around their necks, so they did not dare to make a sound.

Jiang Ci held the only space user at his throat with a long metal knife and did not dare to move at all.

Lu Lin was so anxious that he turned around and suddenly saw cobweb-like bloody lines on Meng Yichuan's face at some point, and then his body twitched violently.

Lu Lin's eyes lit up and he hurriedly seized the opportunity and shouted loudly: "Meng Yichuan has mutated. Look, he has mutated. He was infected by Shen Huo. It was your god who infected him."

The people's anger stopped, and many people looked at Meng Yichuan, seeing terrifying blood streaks spreading on his gray face, his bloodshot eyes gradually covered with white flesh, and his limbs twisting and struggling to stand up.

The people near the high platform retreated in an uproar, with horrified expressions on their faces: "Zombie, zombie, is he about to become a zombie?"

As we all know, God can save people who mutate into monsters, but when they mutate into zombies... they have never been saved by God.

The next moment, Meng Yichuan's back suddenly tore apart, and two long black bones grew out. At first glance, they looked like wing bones without feathers.

He moaned in pain instantly.

Lu Lin said hurriedly: "It's wings. He has grown wings. He was indeed infected by Shen Huo."

Shen Huo turned to look at Meng Yichuan, his expression seemed a little surprised.

Meng Yichuan obviously not only turned into a zombie, he was also mutating into a monster, turning into a monster-like zombie and completely losing his human consciousness.

Song Yunwei just walked up to Lin Konglu, rubbed his brother's soft hair, and took off the eye-catching garland.

Hearing Lu Lin's words, he also looked at Meng Yichuan, then turned back with a strange look in his eyes: "Are you having trouble with your eyes or your brain? How do you think those two spider legs are wings?"

After saying that, he turned around and walked back to the arch of the temple, quickly dragged out a straight Spider-Man, threw it to the ground, and then struck it with an arc of electricity.

Spider-Man's limbs twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes. He didn't know what he had suffered before, but his eyes were filled with fear. When he saw Lu Lin, he almost didn't even think about it and cried bitterly when he opened his mouth: "Save me, Mr. Lu, save me..."

Song Yunwei raised his eyebrows: "This is the person who infected Meng Yichuan. You keep saying this is a monster and that is a monster. How come some of you are monsters? Oh, I almost forgot, aren't all these monsters transformed by your organization?"

Lu Lin's face instantly turned black, and he gritted his teeth and struggled: "He, he... I don't know him. He was brainwashed by Shen Huo and deliberately framed him..."

Lin Konglu put his thin white fingers on his chin, and was very interested when he heard this: "Then you can just remove his brainwashing. Are you not very good at it? What will I say when I am not brainwashed either."

Lu Lin's face froze and he didn't say a word for a long time.

"Why don't you do it?" Lin Konglu looked regretful, "It seems like you are lying."

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